what a day
written @ 8:19 p.m. on October 13, 2002

So today was the best. Completely and totally took my mind off of the fact that my Mom's going into surgery tomorrow at 9:30 (She'll be leaving at 6:30 and doesn't want to wake me, so I have to say good luck and all of that tonight.) I remember what I was thinking in January before my Mom went into surgery to get rid of the tumors. If only we'd known that would go so weirdly. And it didn't hit me until the end of the day, when Caitlin was out of the bath and Mom said "I think she knows it's almost here." And my sister cuddled up against my Mom, and I envied her so much for that. I can't go back to being 'Mommy's Little Girl' like that anymore. Mom and I had 6 years of just us, and I miss that. I don't know what I would do if something bad happened to my Mom, again. The second time she went in, to get the left over tumors out, she was bleeding excessively, and they had to have an emergency operation to try and get the bleeding to stop. That was creepy, that was when she had to stay overnight at the hospital. I don't think I could handle that happening again.

So, thankfully, I had Zack to take my mind off of that all day. And I love him ten times more because of that. =D And I told him what I had been feeling for a long time, I was sorry that I'd hurt him. But, he was right. At least we're together now.

I love you Zack.


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