grease lightnin'
written @ 6:09 a.m. on December 12, 2003

The majority of the people I know seem to be annoying the shit out of me lately. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but if it would stop sometime soon, that might be nice. I dunno, they just do little things that set me off...but it's not like they do it once. They've done it over and over and over again, and they probably don't even realize it bothers me. *sigh* And it's a lot of people, not just one or two. I'm just moody, what can I say?

I got a new desk for my room, it looks nice. Apparently Patrick will be setting up the computer sometime this weekend (What, between him sitting on his lazy ass, me working and 'Nutcracker in a Nutshell'? Hmm, that's what I thought.)

I have to babysit tonight. In all reality, it's not that bad. I can handly four hours, piece o' cake. But I know that I'm going to get a comment on how it's been so long since I've seen Elizabeth and Thomas, yadda yadda yadda. Whatever, it's all gravy.

I put this stuff in my hair that's supposed to make it look healthy, or make it healthy in general, and I guess I put too much in...because now it looks greasy. =( So whenever anyone sees me today, just know that I did wash my hair this morning, I dunno what happened. And aside from that I think my hair looks pretty good, I'm rather proud of myself.

Wow, I'm a big nerd.

I'm gonna go wait for Zack to call. Toodles.


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