I need to relax...badly
written @ 10:34 p.m. on July 09, 2002

I'm tired but I don't want to sleep. My feet hurt but I won't do anythign to comfort them because I know that as soon as I stop I'll regret ever starting in the first place. I'm thirty, but my feet hurt too much to refil my glass of apple-juice. My new Fast and the Furious poster is a little crooked, but again I'm too lazy to get up and fix it. (Thumb tacks are hurting my hands too.)

Overall my day was very kickass. Kings Dominion was a blast. Went on Volcano twice, Anoconda, Avalanche, Rebel Yell (backwards) twice, Hurler, Berzerker, but during the day it rained...deavily, so we had to stop for a little while because of this. Then we went and bought lots of crap (Jelly Beans...$6 for the damn things, a new Harry Potter poster with Dan, Rupert and Emma on it and it says Hogwarts at the top, a Fast and the Furious poster with the whole cast, and two anklets that make pretty noises.) I don't need any of it, I'm just a grade-A shopaholic. Where's my AA meeting for this? Finally I told Nikki, Brittany and Ashlee not to let me look at anything else because I was going to end up spening the last $13 I had left on this really cute hat that I now regret not buying. My feet hurt, and we went in the water park so I'm completely sunburned, can't wait for this crap to peel. This week will be fuuuun!!

I finished the book I told you about, "Demon In My View", it was pretyt cool. I figured out what was going on about half way through, I was in the explorer and almost screamed because i knew what was going on. I'm just a nerd like that. And something I thought was funny, the girl Shannon in the book was almost killed by a vampire, wonderful huh?

I was dissapointed because there were no hot guys at Kings Dominion to flirt with. And for those of you who are y friends, you konw my life evolves around flirting. It's my natural born right...I'm a girl. But there were NO hot guys. None! No workers, too many wiggers, erg. I was so pissed off about that, the other girls were kinda disappointed too. But I'm tired, and extremely achy and hafta get up (relatively) early tomorrow. Night.


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