101 Things to Know
written @ 5:50 p.m. on March 11, 2004

1. I don't expect any of you to read through all of this.

2. The only reason I'm doing this is to kill time before Mom gets home with KFC in about 20 minutes

3. I saw Mom get pulled over by a cop this morning for speeding.

4. I got a 78% on my Unit III test in Ap Psych, and am pretty bitter about it.

5. I am in love.

6. I'm going to marry Zack.

7. I have an appointment for tomorrow at 4:15 to get a massage. Yippy Skippy.

8. I'm going through a Spice Girls phase...it's the only thing I've been listening to lately.

9. Even a month after I bought 'Empire Records' on DVD, I have yet to listen to it.

10. My foot's asleep.

11. I'm getting a big paycheck tomorrow, and am excited.

12. I have yet to finish Middlesex...it's a really weird book.

13. Though everyone talks about it, I honestly can't remember Hermione hitting Draco in HP & the Prisoner of Azkaban.

14. That was the first time in a while I've spelled prisoner right, normally I spell it 'prizoner'. Don't ask.

15. I'm getting part of Zack's anniversary present tomorrow, yay!

16. I really want to see Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights

17. I'm thinking about going tanning, but can't actually motivate myself to go

18. I don't think Mrs. Sheaffer's going to make it until summer.

19. I made mommy a card yesterday, and it was cute and it made her happy. Yay.

20. I still haven't mailed Dad my senior pics yet, dammit.

21. I'm already getting bored with this..

22. Ok, so a while ago I found a template from Moulin Rouge with Satine and Christian when he was singing the song "I hope you don't mind..." and I can't find it and it's really, really pissing me off.

23. I'm trying to convince myself not to change my template, but I'm getting antsy.

24. Zack has a new sn, ItzDeluxe247. What a nerd

25. I finished my project on Eating Disorders and absolutely hate it, and am contemplating re-doing it later. (I KNOW!)

26. I did my math project in about twenty minutes during journalism, hah!

27. I really, really want to see Love Actually again.

28. Peter Pan's at University Mall, but only plays at 4. I think I may go on Monday...

29. NO! I can go on half price day Tuesday because we get out of school early! YAY!

30. I have C lunch that day, so I get to leave school way before everyone else. Muah hah hah.


32. OMG, I love Hot Pockets.

33. And that flavored water Mom always buys from Safeway. Strawberry's so good!

34. I haven't had mango in a long time...this upsets me.

35. I need to remind myself to make sure it'll be all right if Zack goes to the beach with us...since I hate his parents...

36. I hate fighting.

37. My biggest fear is losing Zack.

38. My second biggest fear is being alone.

39. My third biggest fear is failing at life.

40. I'm happy I'm at 40...

41. My favorite word is "Insatiable"

42. The word that describes me best is "indecisive"

43. The word that descirbes me second best is "mean"

44. "All you need is love..."

45. It's now 6:02

46. I'm really fast at typing, but always mess up on spelling and have to delete things a billion times over.

47. I need to get a new poster, and spent about 20 minutes of work last night sorting through them, so I'm going to figure out tonight which one to buy. I've narrowed it down to 3.

48. I don't think I'm ever going to forgive my Dad for moving out of the States.

49. My brothers have a website (though it's in Portuguese...) Take a peek!

50. I accientally just deleted everything...thank God for the 'Undo' button.

51. The one dream I have the most is of Zack leaving me.

52. I bleach my teeth...it hasn't kicked in yet.

53. My least favorite part on my body is my hands.

54. I hate masturbating and rarely ever do it.

55. Zack masturbates a lot...hahaha

56. Sometimes I masturbate for him.

57. I'm sorry.

58. Really...I just corrupted about ten people...

59. I have a Gold Membership, because I'm cool.

60. And because my Mom paid for it...

61. Everytime I read Love Story I cry.

62. I can't stand Tom Cruise. He creeps me out.

63. There are 96 days (including weekends) until Graduation.

64. My ex-best friend, Kylie's, birthday is on graduation day. June 15th.

65. It's 6:08...I want my fucking KFC.

66. I plan on stopping this as soon as Mom gets home with the food.

67. I hate Weird Al.

68. I hate Disturbed, too.

69. I think it's absolutely hilarious that I just typed 69...

70. AH! In a Psych video today we watched a movie and it showed monkies doing it and then mice. It was hilarious.

71. Then Mrs. Press got mad at all of us because we were giggling and laughing at it...

72. I think soon I'm getting the internet back on the computer in my room...and I couldn't be happier.

73. Bianca claims she has a job....while Bianca wouldn't know what a job is if it bit her in the ass.

74. I can't stand the new chick at work, she's driving me fucking crazy.

75. I had no idea I'd make it to number 75.

76. I now have two fish; Gus-Gus my calico Oranda, and Scarlet my beta.

77. My favorite fish, Mama Koi, at Zack's work is ALIVE and HEALTHY and so are her BABY KOI!

78. Not really. She died and it's very sad.

79. I like the red-headed guy the most on American Idol

80. I miss 'Big Brother'...when's it coming back?

81. I am not bisexual.

82. I think George W. Bush is a fucking loser, and if he get elected president again I'm quitting this country.

83. I'm definitely voting for John Kerry in the fall...

84. I'm afriad to vote for Nader, because if it's because of him (taking votes away from Kerry) I'm going to be really, really upset if Dubya wins.

85. We took a quiz today in Government, and I completely bashed Dubya for the state of our economy.

86. Mr. Hostutler's a Democrat...I'm hoping for a bit of Extra-Credit.

87. It's 6:15 and the KFC's still not here...I'm very, very upset about this.

88. I have about 7 or 8 books on my bookshelf I haven't read, including 1984.

89. To prevent the preppies from taking over the Senior Slide show, I think I'm going to take in a bunch of pictures.

90. Omg, I'm on 90.

91. EW! I went in the backyard a few minutes ago to get Caitlin her bike and there was a dead bird sitting in the yard. I got really, really freaked out. And no, I didn't touch it...are you out of your mind?

92. I absolutely cannot stand people who type 'lol' after everything they say. If it's funny, I'll laugh...stop being annoying and laughing at everything you say.

93. I'm very upset with GMU because I won't be hearing from them until Spring...fuckers.

94. I'm proabaly going to go to NoVA...

95. I'm not that bitter about it; I'll be close to home...but part of me think I'm lowballing myself.

96. This is backwards 69.

97. My Monte Carlo is a '97

98. I'm trying very hard not to procrastinate lately...and have succeeded very well.

99. I absolutely love being on Birth Control.

100. I hate going the gynocologist.

101. But I do it because I love Zack...and we definitely don't need a baby.



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