damn, that's long (that's what she said)
written @ 10:16 p.m. on October 04, 2003

what comes to mind when you hear these names..

-blair: TC
-shannon: me! muah hah hah
-thomas: the tank engine
-scott: foley
-lawrence: fishburne
-aaron: carter
-heather: feather
-chris: my boss
-mallory: the bitch down the street that looks like the olsen twins
-chaquita: banana!


-color: red
-friend: zack
-car: mine!
-food: mozerella sticks
-drink: snapple
-store: hot topic? i don't really have a favorite store
-outfit: anything to do with pj's
-song: right now it's "carry this picture" by dashboard
-singer: hah, michelle branch
-movie: hook
-pair of socks: duckies with soap and bubbles
-saying: "fuck you"
-animal: tiger

when was the last time you..

-showered: yesterday. i smell funny.
-kissed some one: my zack, when i left his house not too long ago...
-went to a movie: saw 'school of rock' last night with zack
-cried: ...last night. i'm so fucking emo.
-talked on the phone: with jeannie at work...and i now realize that the key is probably in my apron. dammit.
-paged someone: i don't do paging.
-lied: not for a loooong time
-ate nerds: i honestly can't remember the last time i ate 'em.
-drank welchs grape juice: um....no
-watched the country: how the hell do you "watch" the country?
-shaved ANY part of you body and what part: last time i showered. ...everywhere that should be shaved on a girl's body


-do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: hell fucking yeah
-whats their name: zachary james robinson
-how long have you been going out: almost a year and five months
-have you ever been in love?: yes
-who was the best kisser: zack, duh
-whats your favorite thing to do with that special someone: fall asleep with him
-whats the best present youve gotten from someone: love, how emo...right?
-what qualities do you like in a guy or girl: gorgeous (green) eyes (they have to be green, otherwise they just don't meet my standards), hair i can run my fingers through, a killer smile, a sense of humor (you have to take my horrible jokes and laugh...you just have to) and just plain ol' hotness.


-whose your best friend: zack
-what makes that person your best friend: he's always there, no matter waht
-what do you guys do for fun: have sex
-who is your oddest friend: i'm in theatre, we're all odd
-who is your funniest: peaches
-who is your happiest friend: i dunno...no one's really "happy", but i'd have to say...god i don't know.
-who is your most annoying friend: not my friend, but omg lauren g. she makes me want to claw out my eyes!
-who is always there for you: zack. and jenn. both.
-best gal friend: jenn
-friend who could be more: they're all good. what would i want more of?


-What did you wear yesterday: umm...pants, a red shirt, jacket, harry potter scarf from England
-Do you consider fashion to be important..if so why: no. who cares?
-Best class: history
-worst class: ap psych. my damn teacher is a psycho
-most average class: english
-funniest class: geosystems. just seeing valerie get yelled at on a regular basis is beautiful
-best teacher: rens
-worst teacher: ms press, psycho
-do you plan to go to college: yep.
-what school do you go to: FHS, fucking hell school
-are you doin well in school: not by my parents standards
-are you doin bad in school: by my parents standards.


-was this survey fun: not really.
-do you think we need to get a life: yes, sir
-are you a virgin: haha, no
-who wants to be a millionaire: ME!
-ever been to the Salisbury Zoo: no. where the fuck is the salisbury zoo?
-what did you do on Halloween: went trick-or-treating, you moron
-whats your favorite Scary movie: Scream
-do you know what I did last summer?: yes. your mother.
-do you belive in magic: harry potter magic.
-when was the last time you ate a jawbreaker: i dunno
-whats your favorite magazine: um...playboy? =D
-do you own a furby: yes, my psycho mom gave it to me for christmas from my sitser one year. i still have no idea why.
-what does your boyfriend or girlfriend call you: pet
-whats your middle name: louise
-do you stink: on occasion
-what do you think of cheerleading: it's annoying, but it his hard as hell
-favorite Disney character: Peter Pan!!
-what brand of deodorant do you use?: that...you know, kind
-worst kiss: this guy adam from chantilly. i almost died, i almost left the movie, too.
-do you know anyone named LeRoy: damn, no
-do you like Pickles: hell yes!
-do you have a website: dland
-do you watch PORN: on occasion
-are you black: no.
-do you wish you were black: on occasion. haha, no
-who you gonna vote for: who cares
-do you have your own phone line: i own a cell, does that count?
-your thoughts on abortion: do what you want, its your body.
-do you like britney spears: nope.
-do you want a britney doll: no.
-if not do you want one for christmas: NO!
-What do you want for christmas: sex.
-do you have your 2 front teeth: yes
-what do you want to do with your life: make a million babies.
-ever been butt naked bangin on the bathroom floor: no, my bathroom is very small
-would you ever get plastic surgery if so on what: boobies
-biggest redneck you know: david, my cousin's boyfriend/father of her child.
-last time you went to skateland: ...skateland?
-last time you went to the bowling alley: brandie's birthday
-last time you were in a hoopdy truck: HICK!
-what perfume/cologne do you wear: e. none of th above
-do you think foreign accents are sexy: australian/new zealand/english. if i can't understand you, just get out of my way.
-do you like jell-o if so what flavor: red
-do you like hot dogs if so do you know whats in them: i do like hot dogs. and yes, i do know what's in them
-do you think ricki martin is gay: yes. and you spelled his name wrong.
-do you think my tractors sexy: i think so.
-do you have a credit card...can i use it?: no. i'm poor.
-do you love your mom: sometimes.
-do you love your mom as much as norman bates did in PSYCHO: no.
-ever taken ballet?: yep, when i was little
-favorite juice: APPLE!
-Last time you used the restroom: when i got home from zack's.
-most attractive person: zack...duh!
-any diseases if so what are they: herpes (everyone has it...face it.)
-last book you read...was it good: I'm in the middle of 'Fight Club' again, but the last one i finished was 'The Secret Life of Bees', and hell fucking yeah it was good
-white, dark, or milk choclate: dark, slut
-ever died your hair: yea
-What brand shampoo: neutrogena
-favorite holiday: valentine's day =D
-thing you hate most about your body: hands
-do you still play with barbies: with my sister, yeah. but i stopped when i was 12, maybe 13.
-last thing or person you rode: ZACK!
-are men really from mars: probably
-do you have to do chores if so what are they: clean my room
-last time you smoked: not for a long damn time.
-last thing you bought: my Z bracelet, hahaha

more random..

-are you stressd out...if so from what: everything
-what do you wear to the beach: bathing suit & lots o shorts & tank-tops
-do you belive in angels: yes
-would you ever join the army: no.
-do you want a puppy: yes
-ever had a kick me sign on you: no
-how about a lick me sign: no
-Favorite icing: the kind with the little balls in it.
-are u a flirt: with zack.
-last time you were scared: who knows, all the time.
-by what?: movies. like identity. gah.
-do you do your own laundry: yeah.
-what detergent do you use: whatever my mom buys
-what fabric softner do you use: whatever mom buys
-are your nails real or fake: real!
-do you get jiggy with it: nah nah nah nah nah nah nah.
-do u live at the wild wild west: yes. duh.
-what do you wish you were named: mikaela or natalie
-favorite movie star: robin williams
-are your parents divorced...if so for what reasons: they hated eachother?
-would you ever wear a waterbra: no
-do you work out: nope.
-are u muscular: haha no
-are you flabby: lots.
-are you fat: no
-do you take a lot of pictures: when i have batteries in my camera
-favorite tv show: six feet under
-do you want a baby: millions
-ever thought u were pregnant: no
-last time you were sick: who knows
-butter or margerine: doesn't mattter
-your feelings on mcdonald chicken nuggets: yummy!
-do chineese people really cook cats and dogs: yes
-do you belilve in santa claus: not anymore.
-do you go to a tanning bed: i used to, now i just don't care.
-are you in love...with anyone...with me???: with my zack-a-ree
-do you have a car: miss daisy
-do you have your licence?: uh huh.
-how do you get around: by my car!
-favorite rugrats character: chuckie, because he says chocolate pooding
-got milk: no, makes me want to hurl
-do you sniff markers: yes...no, i mean...
-are you dissatisfied with your hair color: kyes
-what kind of jewelry do you wear: rings, bracelets, necklaces occasionally, belly button piercing
-what do you think of *////Sync??: don't like 'em anymore
-have you ever modeled: no
-do you shop in catalogs: no
-what do you like the opposite sex to wear: nothing
-do you have a celly: yup yup yup
-what do you think of eminem: eh...he's ok
-favorite kind of gum: good kind
-would you ever get a tatoo: yeah, i want stars.
-do you think lil bow wow is cute: no.
-have you seen charlies angels: once, totally sucked
-what magazines do you get: none anymore
-do you belive your horoscope: yes
-Whats your sign: libra.

even more random..

(could it get more random!?)

-do u like coffee...what kind...what in it: starbucks kind
-do you write in pen or pencil....or markers: pen, i hate pencils
-are you getto?: of course
-favorite lip gloss: ones that taste good
-do you wear a watch: yup
-sunglasses: so i can see when i drive.
-ever use nair....if so where?: no
-ever been to the mall of america: hell yea
-do you want a leather jacket: no
-ever ridden a motorcycle: bunch times
-do you think justin timberlake and brittney spears are really togther?: haha, this is old
-what you think of bsb?: go away
-do you read the chicken soup books: hahah yea. i have like 5
-have you seen the exorsist: once, scared the shit outta me
-are you online a lot: not really
-do you have an old navy performance fleece: no
-are you getting tired of doing this: a lil
-do you buckle up: always.
-any siblings: cait, steven, jp, gian carlo & ryan...none full blood
-what are their names: ^
-what are their ages: 5, 9, 19, 21, 19
-do they wanna fill out our great survey: no
-do you know how to yo yo: not well
-what color are your panties: blue
-ok we're done are you happy?: a lil


-number of times I have been in love: once
-number of times I have had my heart broken: none
-number of hearts I have broken: ...boo
-number of boys I have kissed: i dunno
-number of girls I have kissed: a few
-number of women I've slept with: none
-number of continents I have been in: uno.
-number of continents I have lived in: one
-number of drugs taken illegally: zero.
-number of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends: four.
-number of people I consider my enemies: a few.
-number of people from high school that I stayed in contact with: n/a
-number of cd's that I own: a lot.
-number of piercings: three (some are probably closed) in each ear, belly button
-number of tattoos: zero.
-number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: once
-number of scars on my body: a couple-number of things in my past that I regret: one thing. the biggest...
-Finally glad this is over: yes. good god.


quizzes cliques