everything's ok
written @ 9:08 p.m. on January 26, 2004

Today, at least, I'm feeling a lot better.

Last week was Hell for me. They say that when you're on birth control you experience "spotting" (boys, this means you have your period when you don't want to, and if you don't want to read about it go to the next paragraph.) Well, I did more than spot. It fucking flowed. I haven't had a period that heavy since probably seventh grade when I started PMSing. I was scared out of my mind. This wasn't normal, this was out of control and I couldn't do a thing to stop it. I started it a week ago Saturday, and I still even have it today. I told Mom, who assured me not to worry, I told Zack, who promised and promised to me that nothing would be wrong. I'm sorry to say that nothing helped. The possibility of something being wrong absolutely petrified me. What if something was really wrong? What if I couldn't have kids?

Well, I'm on a new pill, and it's dying down. I'll hopefully be done tomorrow and on a regular schedule. I'm happier, today, I feel better.

I shoveled. I can't even remember the last time I actually played in the snow. I'm proud of myself, though my back is a little upset over it all.

Zack ended up being able to come over today, and of course I fell asleep. I have a habit, that if I have a really bad headache or my tummy hurts, or both, I suck my thumb. I'd kept it hidden from Zack for a while, until today, of course. He found it amusing, I can't help but blush.

Well, a sudden urge to organize my room up a bit came over me, and I have a bit more to do before I start to get sleepy and crash. Tomorrow will be a day of just Caitlin and I, and I have Freaky Friday to start it off.

Today was a good day...I'm amazed.


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