written @ 11:22 p.m. on 2002-05-17

On a sidetracked note: I hate getting porn in my E-Mail. I don't look at it, sorry, I just delete it. It's really annoying, cuz #1...I don't want to increase my penis size 3-10 inches, sorry. #2...girls and farm animals just do not do it for me. matter what you say I'm not going to get naked Britney Spears pics, it's going to be a bad picture of her head on some 17 year old girl's body. And I'm sorry but that's just reality, I'm not the porn looking type. =) Shocking isn't it? And to verify something...when I say that I'm looking at Orlando Bloom sites...they're not naked Orli sites. Surprising...yes I know this...but no. I'm being dumb and reading fanfictions because I have nothing better to do with my time. (I am a dork.)

So tonight was the Hot Dog Hoe-Down. Ahh! So many little kids running around making all sorts of noise and raising an unexplainable ammount of havoc. This weird guy Adam, who's a senior somewhere, kept hitting on me along with all of the other girls in my English class. (Erica, Kristie, Joanna...etc...) So I purposly brought up Zack then went with Erica to get a sno-cone. Bless Erica! I had a buncha hot dogs and there was a silent auction, I won some cool stuff. The Michelle Branch cd, Dave Matthews and Alanis Morissette, and these Harry Potter book ends, muah ah ah. Some more Harry Potter crap Zack will see to realize what a dork I am. =)

I feel so bad for Meredith. I went to her house tonight for "Brad Pitt Night", we had such a blast. Wathced Ocean's 11 and part of The Mexican (enough to see him say "El Caminoo") then she started getting upset talking to someone online. I honestly don't know what to say. I'm here for her and want to help her as much as I can, I want to make her problems dissapear so she doesn't feel like everything's her fault...but I can't. I feel useless for it but I can let her know that I care. I'm here for her, here to help out as much as I can. We're learning more about e/o, and it's awesome.

Well I'm gonna go fall asleep, eventually, listening to Michelle Branch. I actually like her cd, even though that one song is SOOOOO overplayed, the rest of the cd (so far) is pretty good. *clap*clap*clap* Toodles to all! And to all a good...toodle...??


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