i dig myself a little hole, inside your precious heart
written @ 8:42 a.m. on July 22, 2003

I'll never be able to forgive myself. You have, as far as I know, and it makes you seem even more amazing than you are. But please don't ask me not to cry or feel bad about it...I deserve to feel like shit because of it and you know it.

So the book I'm reading now, The Lovely Bones, Zack's Mom gave to me to read. Yeah, totally freaking me out. It's about this 14 year old girl who was raped and murdered in 1973 and she's in Heaven and looking down on her family, friends and her murderer. It's pretty freaky, but then again...I love it. I slept with the light on last night, I couldn't help it. I'm that spooked.

I've got to work today. Gah. 9:30-5:30. At least I'm not closing, that really sucks. Afterwards, since I was dedicated yesterday and laid out for about an hour (getting my chest sunburned and really weird tan lines on my boobs...eek!) I'm going to the Hollywood Tans right by work and bake myself for a few minutes. Might as well, I'd rather burn here than burn at the beach. Ya know?

I'm so excited. Squee! We leave for the beach in four days (five including today...but no one's ever supposed to count today!) I've got to get everything together that I'm taking, and do a buttload of laundry so I'm not desperate for things I don't have at the beach. I usually get to take over Ryan's room when we pack for things like the beach and camp, I set out all of my clothes. I'm determined not to overpack, though the odds are against me...I'm a chick, I'll overpack. It just happens.

Caitlin and I watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone yesterday, and Caitlin kept asking about the names of the kids in real life. She now loves Emma (Hermione), and when I told her that before she was born I wanted her name to be Emma more than anything else and Mom said no, she promptly told me that I could call her Emma now. (Granted, it was all because of the Spice Girls then...it still works.) I thought that was pretty cute.

I'd better stop procrastinating and eat, I hope to be at work a few minutes early to be able to tell my boss to fuck off when I get there and he makes another asshole comment. I also decided to dress nice today so he can't rag on me. That's sad, isn't it? Watch, my day will be perfect and he won't be there. Squee, that'd be nice.

I love you, Zack.



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