i need a new life
written @ 6:18 p.m. on October 28, 2003

I am in the worst mood of my life. Gah, this is horrible...yet great.

First, I hate rehearsals. I love acting and being out on the stage, but it gets to a point when I'm sick and tired of having to tell people a-hundred times to shut up and be quiet, and to still get a note that we're being too loud backstage. I'm irritated that no one knows what to do during the battle sequence, and on the day of a full run about half of the cast shows up. Because in reality, I do care about the show, bad script or not, this is my senior year and one of my two last shows. And, when I really think about it, this is probably the last "real" acting I'm going to do, ever, it just sucks that it has to be this show.

Then there's geosystems. Gah, I have a B?! How do I have a B? I guess my standards have risen, and I'm just irritated that in two classes (this and Math) I have B's when I've done really well and actually understood the material the whole fucking quarter.

I re-took my Chapter 1 test in Psych, and it was the same exact test. Lying bitch. I thought that this would be a whole new test and everything, so I didn't look over my old one, but no. Same fucking one. Gah.

And then after rehearsals. *sigh* Yelled at Zack instead of trying to simply tell him why I was so upset, sat in traffic for uber-long and didn't really have to, then flipped out on Zack again.

I hate who I fucking am.

I need a new life. I need to do laundry and do homework and finish cleaning my room. I need to calm down...


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