i'm not that weird...ok so maybe i am
written @ 9:54 p.m. on April 09, 2003

So apparently my last entry was a "weird" entry. So, I'm updating so I don't make people freak out on me. Because I hate when that happens.

It was nice being home from school again, even though it was an even day and those don't really bother me. The disk didn't work for journalism, and stupid me didn't save it to either of the computers in our house, so I re-wrote it really fast before emailing it to Rens. It sucks this version, I hope someone edited it. All day I sat around and basically watched Almost Famous (it's all happening) and played on the computer. I've decided that at some point of my diary I'm going to make a Quotes page. I've got a little notebook with a bunch in it, and Mr. Peterson gives us one everyday. Granted, those are a bit more philisophical (big word) than mine are, they're pretty cool. But this is my favorite quote...

I couldn't help it. I can resist everything except temptation -Oscar Wilde

Gay men are so cool. I swear. I'm not attracted to them, but sometimes I feel like Willow. Gay men, like Ian McKellen for example, are just really, really cool people.

Geez. I am weird, aren't I?

I can't wait for Friday. All I'm doing all day is sitting in front of a bunch of my pictures with Andi and Jenn, not a bad way to spend my day, huh? That, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is coming out on DVD. I'm pretty excited for that, yes sir-ee Bob.

Tomorrow I've got to come straight home then pick up Caitlin from school. I cannot forget to pick up my sister! Mom would kill me. Then, after that we're going to go shop to get her a birthday present. I won't feel like shopping over the weekend (like I'd take time away from sex for her present. HAH!) so I've just got to figure out what I'm going to get her. *sigh* I wish I was four again and could make her something and have it be the best thing she got all day. A trip to the Craft Store doesn't sound so bad...*evil grin* I could make it fun.

Meh. NyQuil is beginning to kick in. I'm going to bed.



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