written @ 11:15 a.m. on June 27, 2002

I'm really hyper right now and I can't explain why, my dream last night was really weird, I had like buncha younger siblings and they were all kidnapped and it was all my fault...riiiight. My mouth still hurts, fucking retainer. Nothing I can't get over soon enough. I can't find my Empire Records movie either, I'm scared. Emily and Maria were watching it at her house last night and then I was like hey, there's something to do after South Park, but no. Can't find it, maybe it's at Maggie's...I can find it. I'm Wonder Woman, didn't you know?

I might go to my Daddy's this weekend! Yay! *does a little dance* I don't spend enough time with him anymore, and I feel bad about it. I keep cancelling his visitation rights off because I want to hang out with friends. I still need to buy him the Eminem cd for Father's Day, he actually wants it so why not humor him? My mom said that she'd pay for me and my step mom to go to Warped again, which is totally kick ass because I went with Marie last year and we had so much fun. See that's the thing, she's a parent, but the kind of parent when you go to a certain friend's house and the Mom is kick ass and the kids don't care that she's around a lot of the time, yeah that's what Marie is. So I'm that much cooler for going to Warped with my step-mom. Booya.

I made a list of all of the girl names that I like, I started the boys but didn't finish. I stole my mom's baby name book from a while ago and look through it when I get bored. I was bored yesterday, so sue me. I need an updated one cuz it's from '95 (god it seems like so long ago) and there's a lotta names that I know of now that aren't there. But the defenition for Shannon is Small and Wise. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok if you know me you know that small and wise and me just don't go into the same sentance. Who the Hell came up with that?

My Mom just left to go to the doctor's and she took my sister with her, I promised Caitlin that I'd watch Harry Potter later on tonite with her, just because I haven't seen it in a while =) and I'm in a Harry Potter mood because I just started the fourth book again. So with the silence that is filling my home I'm gonna go take a shower and cherish my "alone time". Hahaha.



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