Scuba Steve...damn you!
written @ 9:33 p.m. on July 27, 2002

I guess that you could call it Mother/Daughter bonding time, but I don't like the sound of that so we'll just call it Mom spending lots of money at Khol's & Taco Bell Time. So yay. She didn't bring up boys or me being depressed or anything so I'm pretty happy about the whole thing. And we both got some new clothes which we both need and will want in Florida and the Bahamas during the Disney Cruise. I don't that I give my Mom enough credit, she goes through a lot and just wants me to be "the best I can be" (Does that sound as cheesey to you as it does to me?) Nonetheless sometimes I wished she would back off a little. So we were upset because we missed all but the last five minutes of Big Brother (because we're all dorks) but I sped the whole way home so we got to see some of it. Go me. Otherwise today I didn't really do anything. Patrick and Caitlin left to go to the mountains this morning, like 15 minutes after I woke up, so that was a nice treat. Then I went to the library then came home, watched The Royal Tenenbaums which I'm now in love with & then went out with Mom when she got home from work.

So now I'm watching Big Daddy because Adam Sandler is hot (yes Emily I also realize I don't have a chance with him...hahaha) So I leave you with these words.

I'm a singing kangaroo & i come from far away

I love to hop hop hop all day

We can dance & sing & play

We'll hop hop hop hop what do you say??


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