ana and mia annonymous
written @ 9:20 p.m. on June 20, 2002

You just can't be in a bad mood while watching "That Thing You Do", now I remember why I used to watch it like every other day when we first got it out on video. So anyways, of course I just downloaded the song to it, because I'm that big of a nerd.

Onto more serious thing:

One of my favorite authors is Eve Eliot, she wrote the book about these four girls with eating disorders, we all know my past with that, though it wasn't much of a past. So anyways, I searched to see what other people had it written in their profile, and I found one girl's. I don't understand her though, she claims to be anorexic and bulemic. Yet she's read the book. I'm sorry but when I read the book I freaked out and realized how stupid I was, then I went to a past entry and she was begging people to send her pro ana sites, geesh. I wasn't that seroius, hell I wasn't serious at all. I just wanted to lose weight. For me it wasn't a constant battle with self-control, and I didn't hate myself when I did finally eat something. I overcame something stupid and I was proud of myself. Then again I have to sympathize. I've felt something, sort of, along the lines of what she's constantly going through, I'm not blaming her or angry with her in any way. She sees herself a certain way and no matter what, no one else is going to be able to help her. She has to, on her own, realize that she's gorgeous and perfect and that there's nothing wrong with her. It's all up to her.

And no matter how much I love my friends, they won't receive credit for helping me through it. They were the bystanders.

But sometimes I feel like I'm just watching my life fly by, I've always wondered what it's like for people on the Real World. While you're at a certain place for 3 months you meet 6 other people, and live with them for 3 months. You only get to see one perspective and see one side of people's views, and then you get home and shit happens and people are saying things you didn't realize. It's gotta suck. You can't defend yourself when someone calls you a bitch behind your back. That must hurt. Sometimes I think that's what my friends are like, talking shit about me behind my back and as though I'm their best friend to their face. It's their decision, they should just know that they're not the only one being talked about. Sometimes.

I gotta get up at 5:45 tomorrow, toodles.


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