there really is no place like home
written @ 9:47 a.m. on June 29, 2003

First off, HAPPY (late) BIRTHDAY, ELISE! That should've been said yesterday, but each time I sat down to update I forgot. Though I did think about it when I was at work.

So, this must be said. I could care less about Orlando Bloom. No one seems to understand that anymore. It's not that I got rid of the pictures and poster just for Zack, I just didn't want it on my wall. I've always been the way with guys...but now that I have Zack...someone to love me, and take care of me, and be the one person I'm spending the rest of my life with, I'm growing up in a sense. Yeah, I've seen his movies and know what he will be in. Yeah, I'm going to see Pirates of the Caribbean when it comes out. Keep in my, though, it looks like a good movie to me! I'm not going to drool and swoon over him during the movie. When will people realize this?

Ok, I'm done.

So, new template. I like this one a lot more. Because, basically, I need a daily reminder to relax. Right? You've read my quite bipolar diary, you know the highs and lows that I experience...where's the middle? When am I going to find that and be happy with it?

I've never felt worse about seeing my Dad in my life. I know that by tonight, when he picks me up and we go to Sterling, everything'll be all right...but I know that when I'm falling asleep, all I'll be thinking about is how much I want to be with Zack at that moment. I think he needs a constant reassurance that I love him (well, I need one that he loves me. I just need to hear it.) I don't want him to think that I'm glad to be getting away for three days, in all honesty I'd rather stay just to make him sleep easier at night (and Zack, if you don't call me before you go to sleep and end up not sleeping for three days...I'm going to be quite upset.) Yeah, it's true that I haven't seen my dad in what seems like forever...but that doesn't mean I can't take out time to talk to him, right?

Work is going to be Hell. We're having some huge Scrapbooking "event" today, and we've got 50% coupons again (you wouldn't believe how cheap people are...and how coupon freaky they can get.) We're uber-over staffed today, which no one seems to be upset about. Great. Grand. Wonderful. If I'm stuck doing returns all day I'm going to cry.

I need to get dressed so I can call Zack at 10:30. If only I could get out of work for the day...


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