Tangent Time!
written @ 5:02 p.m. on October 09, 2003

Nerd Tangent Time, ok? Deal with it.

Some people are so ignorant it makes me want to scream. But, alas, there are always going to be people who compare JK Rowling to JRR Tolkien (yes, another one of these entries.) People, get the fuck over it. There are only so many certain mythological and fantasy-like creatures that you can put into a story, goblins, elves, trolls...they're going to be in every fantasy story whether you like it or not. I just so happens that a boy named Harry Potter has become one of the most popular (mainly because of it being able to be read by children, Hell...it was hard from me to read the Rings trilogy without needing some sort of help.) It just makes me want to hurl when they feel that they're getting some sort of justification by pointing out every little thing that JK Rowling has in common with another author.

Because ideas for stories have never been taken from another, oh no.

Go ahead, live in your fantasy world.

Do they honestly think that we'll stop reading the books because it has a lot to do with other stories? They're fucking good! People are going to read them whether anti-Harry's like it or not, but I just want to know is when they're understand and accept that.

I just read this, and the dude is surprised that his E-Mail account got flodded with Potter fans bashing him for being stupid.

I learned about that in a big way in the Horrible Harry Potter Affair. I wrote a column a while back in which I tried to explain (to myself if no one else) why I'm simply not interested in reading J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books. I thought I might hear from a local fan or two. Ha! Someone posted a link to my column on a Harry Potter fan site (www.the-leaky-cauldron.org). Next thing I knew, I was getting angry e-mails from around the world.

Is he stupid? I mean honestly, he's truly and profoundly shocked that Potter fans actually found it and turned against it. *sigh*

Then I read this article, that made me smile, because there's finally someone who has realized that Harry is not about satanism, not teaching children spells (I mean, as much as I hate to admit it...Alohamora doesn't work when you really need it to, trust me...I got locked out of my car at the gas station...I would know!)

It's just something fun to read. Why is it that when a book, that appeals to all ages...especially kids, and can get them to actually read something good...people jump all over it? Because it's got a lot in common with other stories!? Moron! Ignorant, ignorant moron.

I'm done, for now. I had my little tangent, so now I'm going to work on my homework while watching 28 Days.

I need a kiss...


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