that's what she said
written @ 10:03 p.m. on September 21, 2003

And suddenly, I just got in a really weird mood. I hate when that happens, when everything is going (relatively) normal and all of the sudden, I feel like bitching at people for no reason. *sigh*

You know what I never understood? That whole counting to ten thing. Whenever anyone told me to do it (and I get mad a lot, so I hear it a lot more than I'd like to) I always speed through it, then get mad at the person for treating me like I'm a two year old. How is that honestly supposed to help me? It sure as Hell doesn't clear my thoughts, like everyone may think it does, because I'll I'm concentrating on is smacking the person who told me to count for being a doofus.

Whoa, where did that come from?

So anyways. Work was work. It wasn't too busy at the registers, but people were buying shit like crazy because we had this huge scrapbooking event thing at work, so at the end of it, half of the girls who work at the store went and took an enormous amount of (discontinued) paper, all for free. Ya. Hoo.

My birthday is in 6 days. The only reason I'm excited is because, well, lots of sex (MY DAY!) and the Rennaissance Festival (I still have no idea how to spell that.) 17 isn't that big. I get to see R Rated movies without having to deal with my Mom, which is nice, because I want to see Thirteen because it's finally at Cinema Arts, but nothing big happens. At 15 I got my permit, 16 my liscense, 17 R Rated Movies and 18 porn (and that whole "voting thing" too, but I'm just going to buy porn when I'm 18. I'll be cool, I'll give it to my boyfriend.)

So I watched part of Carnivale, the newest HBO series. See, this is why I don't get into HBO series if I can help it. They're good. First, there was The Sopranos, right then and there I should've known to stop, because when I started watching Six Feet Under (my absolute favorite show. Literally. I don't talk on the phone when SFU is on like Zack doesn't talk on the phone when Playmakers is on, it's a mutual thing, at least we both have "that" show.) When I started watching SFU, I was in trouble. Every fucking show, every Sunday at 9, my lazy ass was parked in front of the tv. Then I got into Sex In The City, but not too big, I was always pissed off that I wasn't the one having all of the sex. Now Carnivale. It's creepy, but I like it. I must tell Rens, he will be pleased. He's addicted to HBO shows too, muah hah hah.

I have to part with my car tomorrow, hopefully the shop will know what the hell is wrong with my damn car and the gas gage(sp), then they also align my fucking wheel, since they didn't seem to do that very well before.

So, yeah, I love Zack. Yesterday he came over (well, snuck over) for a couple of hours, what fun. What great sex, *sigh*.

With that, I'm returning to the Emmy's and geting ready for bed. (And fucking kudos to Debrah Messing for Best Actress in a Comedy Series. It's about damn time!)



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