Warning: Obscene Amount of Babble Ahead
written @ 11:58 p.m. on September 13, 2002

Watching: Romeo and Juliet (Yes...the Leo DiCaprio version...I used to be obsessed with the boy, and Blockbuster didn't have the original version, so damn...I'm stuck with Leo with no shirt on. *snaps finger* damn)

I'm not a good loser, I've figured this out. If I'm not winning at something, let's say bowling, I get bitchy. Haha. I'm really really a sore loser, so halfway through the second game I stopped caring and bowled a 55, or something like that. While my first game was 103 (Damn Justin and his 108!)

I've come to the decision that having the LD kids in my English class, this year is going to, eventually, make me want to gouge out my eyes. I'm used to working my (lazy) butt off and barely pull off a C, now it's almost as though I'll be handed an A or a B. While I am glad for this because if my grades are poo Mom's not letting me get my liscense on December 27th, if I'm not in Boston...and frankly I wanna be in Boston to see the "Cruise Crew", so anything that'll help me keep my grades up I'm happy about.

(haha Mercutio said butt-shaft...)


The fact that the LD people in my class is kind of self-assuring, letting me know I can probably pull off a least a B with my hands tied behind my back, it's very different from what I'm used to. We're reading Cruicible...out loud...everyone reading a seperate part. And though I do get pleasure out of reading for Abigail (and Tara reading for John Proctor...oooh la laa) class goes by slow and I find myself staring at the clock, begging time to speed up so theatre starts sooner.

In 14 days I will be 16. Hahaha. No one realizes that I'm only 15, and when I tell people that I'm going to be 16 on the 27th their eyes bug out a bit and they looked shocked, I love getting that reaction. I can't wait for my birthday. I've been waiting for this for too damned long, to be 16, finally with my belly-button pierced...oooooh yeah.

I'll leave you with that, seeing as how the majority of this entry was babble. I love when that happens.

(What ever happened to the Cardigans? One hit wonders can be so sad...except for when it's for a band like Chumbawumba...or Rico Suave *shudders*)


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