The Whole Warped Story
written @ 9:20 a.m. on August 09, 2002

Listening to: Bob - NoFX

Ok, so I'm in a punk mood. So shoot me, Warped Tour was amazing yesterday. And I have the tomato red sun-burn to prove it. My sunburn looks a little more painful than it actually is, so all today I'll be wearing a long sleve shirt (if I go out) and shorts, because sun on my sunburn probably isn't the brightest thing in the world for me to do. (Well...the brightest thing for me to do what probably to have worn sunscreen on my bare back and part of my chest, but oh well. What's done is done, I'll just piss and moan about it in the mean time.)

So here's a list of who I saw (and I think I got the order right, there's also little commentary because I'm a nerd)

*Alkaline Trio: Now I only saw about half of they're performance because we got there late (I shall explain this later) but from what I heard they were great

*Flogging Molly: FLOGGING FUCKING MOLLY HELL YES! Ok if you haven't heard me talk about it before I'll say it again, Flogging Molly is one of the best live bands around, they are so great and always drunk and you get a bunch of Drunk Irish Punks on a stage for any length of time it's going to rock your fucking socks off. Which is also why I got a Flogging Molly shirt, it's hip and I love it. Go me!

*Guttermouth: Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. The lead singer is great because he dances around on stage like a goon, it's the coolest.

*Lagwagon: Pretty good. I liked the lead singer's bright blue hair. Yummie-kins.

*New Found Glory: Awesome. Yea ok, I know they sold out and blah blah blah, but I still really really like NFG. Ok? Ian's hair was bleached blonde now (at HFStival last time it was red) and Jordan was hot. Jordan's always hot. They rocked my socks off, I was happy.

*No Use For A Name: Was totally kick ass! And I agree with them, Fuck The Sun!! And Fuck The Dirt!!! (Yea I'll explain that later too) They did such a great job, loved it.

*MXPX: Ok, MXPX was the first really punk band I ever listened to. I've been dying to see them FOREVER (and got jealous last year at camp because one of the councelor's brother's had just seen them) and I was in heaven because I was close to the stage yet wasn't getting the shit beat out of me. So yay! They were totally amazing and I love them so I was in Heaven the entire time.

*Huntingtons: They're a "little band", but all "little bands" eventually become "big bands". So when they become a "big band" I can say that I saw them when they were a "little band" (thanks Marie. hahah)

*Reel Big Fish: Despite the fact that the lead singer ever five seconds was talking about how great he was and what he wrote, they were still awesome.

*NoFX: Great, of course. What else do you expect? The lead singer dyed his hair orange so he looked like a giant punkin. But they wrote a song about George W. Bush (our President, haha) called "He's the Idiot Son Of An Ass-Hole", talking about how dumb he was in school and that he choked on a pretzel. Everyone loved it. (Supposedly the Floridians didn't, but they rigged the election, so FUCK FLORIDA...which is where I will be in 2 weeks, hah!)

*Bad Religion: They were just as awesome as they were when I saw them at Nation. Of course. I loved it.

So there it is. We saw a total of 11 bands. Ok, why we were late. Carlos is a moron. Marie, Bean, and Carlos got to my house to go around 11:15, something like that. So we're making great time. So when I get in the car I say "Marie where do you want me to put the tickets" and Carlos gets silent then goes "You guys are gonna hate me" and Me, Marie, and Bean know what he's about to say, but pray that he doesn't. He forgot his ticket. So we had to drive BACK to Sterling to pick up his ticket, then get to Warped. Missing the Used and Thursday, both of which I really wanted to see. Idiot. But it's ok, cuz then we got Burger King because Warped prices are amazingly overpriced, but oh well. Twas worth it.

The sun and dirt sucks. See, last year at Warped it was set up totally different. We were on the opposite side of the stadium we were this year, and we were on ASPHAULT...which is a great invention. Were we this year? No. We were on gravel. And gravel, when in the midst of a mosh-pit, has dirt becoming mist...which likes to rise and get it your face and eyes and mouth and cause problems. So you get a fierce pit going it just sucks, everyone was covered in dust when we left. And the sun. Need I explain? No. So I'm not going to. (If you could see me right now you would understand why.) But at least I'm not going to camp as pale as I was. hah.

Well I go to camp on Sunday. Eep! I'm going to go pack because I need to. I'll let you know when I'm leaving for camp, yippy skippy!!


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