wanna get down saturday night
written @ 12:02 a.m. on April 13, 2003

*sigh* What a day, what a day, what a day.

I woke up at 8 this morning. Eight. When was the last time that anyone (besides Zack) got up at eight without anyone making them. Including the fact that I didn't go to bed until one o'clock in the morning yesterday, I'm proud that I've lasted this long. Granted, a good two hours of my day consisted of my laying in my bed watching the Natalie Portman movie fest they're having on Oxygen, but still. It was nice to do nothing for a while.

I went to Toys R Us today. They convinced me not to come back (well, all but Candice.) They said that they're under new management...and that he's a huuuuuuge dick. Having a good 6 people I used to work with tell me I would hate him from the moment I saw him made me realize that I probably wouldn't want to go back there. So, now, I have to figure out where I do want to work. That's what I'm using Spring Break for...job hunting. I was also told to leave because I was 'causing a distraction to the employees'...which the new boss said to Jermaine, which didn't make Jermaine to happy. He said that he was sorry he had to ask me to leave, but I understand. Nazi's can be strict.

So the whole reason I went there was to get Zack's little sister, Zoe, a bday present. And I have no clue what she's into, so I just got her a gift card. Hey, it's better than buying her a shitty present she won't even like...you know? Then I went to the party. I had more fun than I should probably admit. Hanging out with Zack's Mom and Grandmother and sisters and a bunch of 10 year old girls making crafts. Yeah, I had a damn blast.

So, Dave's a dick and got sick so I didn't end up getting to hang out with him like I planned.

But who fucking cares, because I got to hang out with Zack some. I went with him, his Dad and Tyler to see Phone Booth. Went to Zack's, laid around then got some ass. Yeahoo...today was a good day.

I'm completely done with my first month of birth control pills. I've now graduated to sugar pills for the next 7 days or so. Yeahoo...no more condoms for me. Heehee.

I'm hyper, and I'm hot (think about it, Zack...and no, it's not what all of you think.) so I'm going to bed in a few minutes. Or, at least I'll try.


Song of the Day: Saturday Night Divas -Spice Girls


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