What he needs to know is...
written @ 9:42 a.m. on May 11, 2004

I want him to know that I'm sorry and I feel terrible for how I acted last night. I was just really, really frustrated. I hadn't planned on going this morning, because of my AP Psychology test, so I hadn't started my Geosystems project (due today) since I wasn't going to turn it in. I haven't worked on my story for Creative Writing, or my author analysis thing due Thursday. Then out of no where he just brings out how we don't have much school together left and that threw me for a loop. I know, but part of me is ready to move away from high school. I'm sick and tired of the drama and the teachers who don't know what they're doing (or how to teach an AP class,) I'm tired of the stupid administration and Dr. Thomson being to phony and fake all the time.

But part of me could stay another year, just to be with Zack. Stay amidst all the stupid drama and dumb administration because I'm deathly afraid of going into yet another chapter of my life with out him standing right next to me the entire way. I feel so split half the time, it's hard for me to think.

I didn't go this morning, needless to say. I would have to go to Geosystems, and that would completely screw me over bombing a project the 4th quarter of my senior year. I slept in (relatively), took a shower (during which I missed a call from Zack...I was uber upset about that) and am lightly cleaning up my room here and there. I'm going to meet Morgan and possibly Sarah at IHOP around 10:30, then will cut that short to have B lunch with Zack.

I hope he's not mad and understands. I was the one who thought he wouldn't have to go this morning, I'd been led on to think that all week, then his Mom turns into uber-psycho bitch and doesn't let him skip. (Which I won't get into because all it does is piss Zack off...I need to apparently watch my mouth even though she's ridiculous...) I do want to see him, and I do need the reassurance that he loves me and isn't at all mad at me.

...I need a vacation.


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