wakey time
written @ 10:05 a.m. on September 14, 2003

I feel rested. I literally and actually feel rested. And don't ask me how long it's been since I've felt this way, because honestly I can't rememeber. But it's nice to know that I can get a good night's sleep, and feel good the next day. It's refreshing.

Ok...it must be addressed. I always talk about my horrible dreams and how things are going horribly in them and it's always scary for me. But that doesn't mean there aren't the good dreams. The dreams where I wake up happy, smiling...feeling damn good about myself. I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that I wasn't this depressed loser. Ya know?

I'm so jealous, Zack gets to go to a Ravens game while I have to work. Bastard.

Kathryn quit yesterday. She fucking quit, and it was busy as shit. It was Toys R Us busy. She finally had enough of yelling at Chris all the time, so she told him that he had her 2 weeks notice, but when I went to lunch they had it out again and got so irritated she said "Fuck this" and walked out of the store. I'm proud of her...she finally stood up for herself in front of Chris. It's about damn time someone did (It'd be nicer if it were me, but oh well.) So I'll be excited to go back to the Hell hole today to work my ass off and have my back hurt so bad I'm almost at tears, yes, tis exciting.

Last night was what I needed though. To lay in bed and fall asleep next to him again. I don't know what it is, but as long as he's there with my I'm fine. To know that he loves me and have him kiss me at the exact moments I need him to the most. To have him inside me...I just need that. Always.

All right...I need to get ready for work. Yippy.


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