you're really lovely...underneath it all.
written @ 10:21 a.m. on January 19, 2004

We came to a mutual conclusion that we both have things to work on. I need to stop overreacting and taking things too seriously, and he needs to stop being so jealous. I think it's good that we came to that. They're constructive things, we didn't just sit on the phone and bash each other. And, unlike times before when I say I will but only half ass it, I'm going to work very hard at not overreacting all the time. It's just...I don't know, that's just me. It's "what I do", and I think it's going to be tough for me to be able to just let things go that really, really bother me. But I'm going to try, because I'm tired of making my boyfriend feel so crappy all of the time.

I got home from taking Zack to work a few minutes ago, then cleaned out my car (what an accomplishment that was, oh my goodness, what a mess!) then came inside. Caitlin has a new show. Boobles, Beebles...I'm still not sure what they're called, but they're supposed to be the new Teletubbies. Hmm. They are so hilarious. I watched about 5 minutes of the show with Mom, and we were cracking up. They bounced around and made weird noises. I suggest that if anyone wants a laugh, to watch it. I highly enjoyed myself (then again, I actually watched the Teletubbies in seventh what does that say about me?)

I'm feeling motivated. I might finish cleaning up my room, and actually putting stuff away and possibly getting rid of some things while I'm at it. How weird is that?

I've got to stop by Kinko's later. There's a picture of Zack and I kissing on the Sound when we were at the beach, and I absolutely love the picture, so Zack said that I should blow it up to poster size. And y'know what? I'm going to. I might even stop by work and get a big frame for it, because this will be a poster I definitely don't want to get hurt. Know what I mean?

I watched Queen of the Damned last night around 2 o'clock in the morning. That movie is so good! ...Or maybe it was just because it was 2 o'clock in the morning, hmm.

I'm rambling. I have stuff that needs to be done. Tata.


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