could things possibly get any worse?
written @ 9:13 p.m. on May 29, 2003

Yes, this is the third (possibly fourth) time I've updated today. My computer is gone. Literally. It's not working, so we've got to start it all from scratch (the only good thing about it is I'm getting rid of that virus, so I'll stop randomly sending people E-Mails.) But I'm losing every project, every paper, every song (of which I had over 400...and that's not including video files) every picture I've got. So in the next couple of days, the majority of my pictures on my blinkies page, bio page, my cast page and my random page will be gone. (Some are saved to Patrick's computer, the one I'm on now and probably will be again for the next couple of day, so at least all of them won't be gone. Just the vast majority.) I'm learning to get over it, I'll download all of the songs again, it's Cable, like Zack'll take me a month or so to get everything back. I'm still pissed off about it.

My Mom and I went to see Betty, my neighber, Barbara's sister. (If you haven't read my last entry, you have no idea what I'm talking about, so go read that now.) She seems to be doing okay, Mom and I were there for a while. I found out it's not "cool" to like Harry Potter when you're a freshman (but it's definitely cool when you're almost a senior...) I just took my shower, I should be "studying" for my History SOL tomorrow, but I'm lazy and don't care. I don't even think I have any notes. Meh...I'll get over it.

I'm just poor, poor computer Bill. (Ok, so yea my computer is named...but when I got it there was a part where I had to give it a name, and it's a long story to do with Lord of the Rings (the pony) and a big inside joke between Emily and I, so that's why it's named Bill.) I should give it a new name...I'll think of something...


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