feelin' hot, hot, hot
written @ 3:04 p.m. on May 30, 2003

So I'm burning up. I went outside to lay out some, because it's a gorgeous day and I'm afraid that I'm not going to have any other time to layout in the near future, and I want to get just a little sun on my pasty white skin. Can't be Casper forever, ya know? I don't think I got much, I got uber-hot and decided to come and sit in the air-conditioning *sigh* so that's what sunless tanner is for, huh?

Tonight should be fun, lots of laying around with Zack. Then again, is there anything else I ever do on a Friday night? No, because there's nothing else I want to do.

I took some more quizzes during Theatre class, Meredith, Grace, Brittney and I presented our project today. We gave people candy, so they gladly participated.

Gah! Four hours until I pick up Zack from work, what the Hell am I supposed to do with myself for four whole hours? I think I'll go to Border's and see if they have Love Story, the copy I usually read (that used to be my Mom's during High School) is falling apart, so I want to get my own book, like a big girl. =D

I took a picture of Caitlin's ruby slippers, and one of just her earlier. I've got to get this slide-show for photography over with so I have less things to do, and I end up feeling less bombarded with shit. At least theatre is out of the way.

I should be working on my research paper for English, but I don't care. I know that it's worth 15 grades, and I know that it's due in exactly one week. I also know exactly what information I have to get (that Sutt wants to see) so I've got it in the bag, baby. Journalism will take me five minutes, max. My photo paper I'll bull shit. My history project, I'll let Jessie and Morgan carry most of that (hopefully) I'll tell them that I'll be dressing up and bringing music from the era, and if they don't like it...they can feel free to do one of the project/assignments I'm busy with. That sounds awfully bitchy of me, doesn't it?

Something's screwy with the colors on Patrick's computer...it's highly entertaining. Either that, or Andrew is changing some stuff around on Diaryland (which I highly doubt. It's easy to get around on here...don't change it!)

I need to get out of the house or something, I think I'm going to explode.


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