written @ 7:46 a.m. on July 18, 2003

I want to crawl into a dark little hole with a blanket and pillow and my Winnie the Pooh, possibly the Weezer sweatshirt...and sleep. For hours upon hours upon hours, there's nothing I wish to do more than sleep the day away. It's my last day of SAT Preps, and for that I'm pretty excited, but I've got work at 5, which prevents Zack and I from seeing My Big Fat Greek Wedding tonight at GMU. Greeeeeat. I don't know why I'm covering for Linda...again. She's taken off more days than I've worked (combined) in just July. When Dan told her that she couldn't take off any days in August she got upset, but I think he's completely justified in what he's doing. I also heard that tomorrow I'm probably going to be alone again...great. I want to fucking quit, I'm miserable.

I need a kiss. Dammit. Too bad I won't be getting one until after 9:30 tonight...don't you just love how things work out that way?

I went to Border's after I dropped Zack off at home last night. Way too much fun! I ended up buying a new book, Flipped, and a new diary that's uber-cute.

There's only a week and a day left until the beach. Oh. God, I can't wait. The best part, aside from the fact that Zack's going, is that Ryan and his girlfriend, Lorna, won't be there. Patrick was stupid for inviting him for the whole week, too. I'd have to share a bed with a girl I've met once, and Zack would have to sleep with Ryan. But, yay, that's not the case anymore, so this will be the first time I've gotten to sleep in the bed alone (Emily used to go with us to the beach) so that'll be interesting. I just want a week with Zack away from his family. Squee.

Hah, Zack wants to go to Target sometime to buy me a bathing suit. The only catch is that he gets to pick it out. I think it's funny, and I'm all for it...I get a new bathing suit out of this. Yeahoo.

I'm almost done with HP and the Sorcerer's Stone, I've only been reading it at SAT Preps so I'm not making too much progress, but when you're comparing it to the 870 pg Order of the Phoenix, this book is nothing. I'd forgotten about a lot of things that had happened (like the midnight duel between Harry and Draco, and Draco didn't show but he tipped Filch off that someone would be in the trophy room.) Oh the good ol' days of Harry's First year. Wow...I'm a nerd.

I've got a busy day ahead of me. After SAT Preps I'm going to work to get my paycheck (otherwise I won't be able to cash it until Monday), going to the bank to cash the check, going to pick up the last bit of Zack's birthday present (SO EXCITED) going to CVS to buy a thing of the lip gloss and Maybelline stuff I'm so close to out of it's scary, picking up my Birth Control Pills perscription then coming home. At 5 I've got to go back to work (to actually work) until closing, so hopefully around 10 I'll be able to kiss my Zack, come home and go to bed. Only to start work at 9:30 the next morning. Gah, I love it.


...I'm so tired already I could cry...


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