yay hump day
written @ 6:17 a.m. on May 26, 2004

Things are slowly beginning to fall into place for me. Through our insurance, CareFirst Blue Shield, I don't need a referral from my pediatrician to see a Psychiatrist (The only person that is able to perscribe antidepressants.) Which is good, because my pediatrician wasn't planning on giving me the referral anyways. So within a ten mile radius my Mom found some people, women as I prefer, that are possibilities. And, no matter how much it actually costs, with our insurance, it only is going to cost my parents $20. Sweet, huh?

So I've decided to invite my Dad's Mom to graduation, Bestemor (Norwegian for grandmother, I think...) My Mom emailed her, since my grandfather's 70th birthday party is coming up, to see if Dad's coming. It's simple, if Dad's there...I won't be. If he's not there, I'm going to see if I can get off work early (like, an hour and a half or something) to go and see them. I don't want to alienate my entire family, just my father. So Mom emailed her to find out of the ass is going to be there, and frankly my grandmother doesn't know. She's also making it seem like she's kind of skeptical if he's going to actually go there or not, so I don't know about all of that. She did ask, at the end, if she would be able to come to my graduation. She understands that there are limits as to how many people are able to come, so if it were full she'd understand...but the way it is now (Mom, Cait, Patrick, Zack, Grandma) I have two more tickets for the field house. Mom and I both figure, why not? So I'm gonna double check that Zack's parents can't go, then I'll let Mom know to send her an invite.

I'm tired. No matter when I fall asleep (Last night it was a little after 9 I think) I'm still tired. Gah.

I need a cookie, or popsicle, or something...


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