written @ 9:17 p.m. on June 09, 2002

So ladida I'm bored and have nothing to do so I'm torturing you all. Dun dun dunnnnn.

I wrote a letter to my English teacher. As much as I complain about her and say she can't teach, the woman's one of my heros. The note basically told her how much she means to me and how much I'll miss her, cuz she was always there to listen to me when I had something to bitch about when I was upset or depressed, or letting people know that I was upset or depressed. I'm still good at hiding it though, but lately I haven't had to hide it because I haven't been feeling unhappy or depressed, and that's a first.

i was talking to my Mom today about my Dad and Step-Dad Patrick, and why Patrick alawys acts so hateful and like such a dick to my Dad. So bascially it's beacuse of a stupid fight b/w my mom and dad that happened over 8 years ago and Patrick is so thickheaded and such a dick that he won't just get the fuck over it. His loss my Dad's awesome. He seems to ignore the fact that people make mistakes and fight and then get over it, so he's probably going to hold this grudge against my Dad forever. Oh well, it's not like my relationship with Patrick will get any closer. Sometimes it seems like Patrick is closer to Emily than he is to me. I'm not jealous. I just don't give a shit. My mom got over it probably a week after, but Patrick is so immature and childish that he's going to hold it for 8 solid fucking years, he pisses me off more and more lately. There's a lot going on in the family people don't know about, I hate talking about it because I always get upset and start to cry then I feel stupid. So don't ask, I won't tell. Ok...done whining.

Random thought (i have a lot of these): Why does Willow think I'm a freshman? (Yea that's about it)

So I'm extremely bored. I think it's music time. Toodles.


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