big-ass survey
written @ 4:59 p.m. on November 09, 2002

I have a lack of anything better to do. I'm waiting for Emily to call about the tattoo business, I think I'm gonna take my sister to see either Santa Claus 2 or Veggie Tales. Or call my babe, either way...

[01] What's your first name? Shannon

[02] Middle name? Louise. Bleh

[03] Last name? Serum

[04] Nicknames? Shamma, Shamman, Shamu...honestly there's a million. It's ridiculous.

[05] Age? 16

[06] Gender? Female

[07] Birthday? September 27th

[08] Your sign? Libra

[09] Where do you live? Virginia

[10] Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes

[11] If so what's her/his name? Zack

[12] Have you ever been in love? that's complicated

[13] Who are/were your crushes? Zack. Duh.

[14] Do you have any piercings, or want any piercings? yeppers

[15] if so what do you have/want pierced? I have 3 in each ear, bellybutton, and want my eyebrow. What can I say.

[16] Do you have a tattoo or want one? Don't have one now, but I want some

[17] If so what kind and where? I want the libra scales on my lower back and some stars on my ankle

[18] Where do you shop at the most? Pac Sun, Hot Topic for all my t's, Express for pants

[19] What color is your hair? blonde and brown

[20] What color are your eyes? Blue

[21] How tall are you? 5'11". Exactly. Dammit.

[23] Do you smoke? Not anymore

[24] Do your friends smoke? some. well, a lot

[25]Who are your closest friends? Emily, Brandie, mer-bear. zack's doesn't count, he's the bf

[26]Who are your friends? they know who they are

[27]Who are your best friends online? i talk to nick and daniel more than anyone else, but they're not my best buds.

[28]Do you like bath & body works? sure. why not.

[29]Kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? Yummy smelling junx

[30]Is your hair short or long? sorta in the middle. i wish it was long. stupid hair cuttery...that woman is satan.

[31]Do you like to shop? way too much

[32] what sports do you play? basketball

[33] what turns you on? I dont know

[34]What turns you off? ignorant people. other stuff.

[35]What place do you go for fun? Shows and just being with my friends.

[36]What do you do for fun? Go to shows and hang out with friends. sit on my ass is quite entertaining.

[37]How many phones do you have in your house? 5

[38] How many tv's do you have in your house? 5

[39]What's your favorite food(s)? Macaroni and Cheese, Mozerella Sticks

[40]Do you look like anyone famous? this is me. of course i do

[41]Do you think ricky martin is muy guapo (very handsome)? no, he's a dork. worse than me

[42]Who are the most attractive people you know? i'd only be feeding their ego. because they have diaries. punks.

[43]Are you a virgin? Yes

[44]Do you wish to be like your parents? No thanks

[45]What cologne should a hot guy wear? i'm a fan of CK1. but that's just me.

[46]What are you listening to right now? haha, Geri Halliwell's "Look at Me". Don't diss her, I'll kill you. =D

[47]What time is it? 5:08 p.m.

[48]How many hours per day do you spend talking on the phone? not that many

[49]Do you have your own phone line? No

[50]Have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? duh.

[51]What are your favorite shoes? my slip on white ones from Target. Mothafuckah.

[52]What kind of clothes do you sleep in? shirt and undies

[53]What's your favorite soda? Cream Soda

[54]What things do you say a lot? Muthafukah, Hip, Rad (cuz i'm a dork), your mom and dork

[56]Who is the coolest person in the world? me

[57]Do you think you're weird or funny? weird. definitely weird.

[58]What would you prefer thong or bikini? depends

[59]Who was the last person you called? emily

[60]Where do you wanna get married? In a church

[61]Who is the hottest girl/guy in your school? me...duh!

[62]What are your favorite girl names? I have 3. Cori (Corinne), Jocelyn and Aimee

[63]What are your favorite guy names? I have 3. Again. Jack, Will and Dominic

[64]What's your worst memory in the past 5 years? sophomore year

[65]What's your favorite childhood memory? my mom got a horse to come to my 4th birthday party, that was hip as shit

[66]What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Subway!

[67]Who do you really hate? Hate is such a strong word...britney spears.

[68]Do you have any brothers and sisters? 3 step brothers, 1 half brother, 1 half sister

[69]If so, names? Gian Carlo, JP, Ryan, Steven and Caitlin

[70]Do you have a pool? nope

[71]Do you have a spa? Not in my house.

[72]Are you stupid? Most likely

[73]What are you addicted to? Harry Potter

[74]Do you waer jewlery? Yes. I feel naked without it.

[75]Who do you wish you were? Natalie Portman. Bitch is gorgeous.

[76]Who has it easier, boys or girls? Girls.

[77]Would you rather be short or tall? i'm tall, just wish i was like...3 inches shorter. 5'11" is ridiculously too tall. Dammit.

[78]Do you like to dance? of course

[79]Do you like playing pranks on people? Sure do

[80]What's your least favorite subject in school? least mr. peterson tries to make it fun

[81]What's your favorite subject in school? english. sutt is hilarious

[82]What time is it? 5:14 p.m.

[83]What college do you wanna go to? one that will accept me, honestly i don't care.

[84]What school do you go to now? Fairfax High

[85]Do you have a playstation or nintendo 64? PS1, I never play it. I don't even know where it is.

[85]If so, what are your favorite games? dude...that Spice Girls dancing thing is hilaroius, SPYRO all the way! and rugrats.

[87]Do you sleep a lot? not really. a buncha questions are gone. Well som-of-a-biotch

[91]What's your favorite tv station? don't have one. though i'm usually watching comedy central or zoog disney. muah hah hah

[92]Do you shave? Yes

[93]How often do you shower? Everyday

[94]Do you get along with your parents? Yes

This is how bored I am. Erg...I just wish Emily would friggin call me back, I hope that she did get the tattoo, I know she's been waiting for this since birth. I started reading Perks again, it was only a matter of time. I'l write lata.


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