a momentous occasion
written @ 8:05 p.m. on September 04, 2002

Watching: Get a Clue

I'm so indecisive sometimes it makes me want to puke. Honestly. I don't know what to do with myself, I'm such a mess...I don't know what's going on in my own head half of the time.

To you (you know who you are)...I hate to say this but I think friends is the best option. I know how much fun we had and what a great person you are, you mean a lot to me. But for now, at this moment, I need you as a friend again. I know that this is hurtful of me to do it this way, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for doing this to you...again it seems like. I'm not saying this is no for forever, I'm saying this is no for now. And I don't expect you to wait around for me to decide if this is what I want again. Thank you for everything you've done for me and given me. I owe you a lot, and I'm sorry for hurting you like I did. -Shannon


Today was quite the eventful day. I think my math teacher is on crack...she did Math-ersizes this morning. It was cool to see Daniel C. again, I talk to him every day, it's about damn time I finally see the fool again. Photography is always good, so I was glad to return to that. The best part of my day was definitely Journalism. I regretted not taking it last year, I love the people that take the class. And there's the possibility of me doing a LOTR article...AHH! Way too much fun (and I know more about the movie than anyone else in that class does...and yes, I am proud of that. teehee) So it was good to get back to that class.

I regret not going to the funeral, I should've been there for David, but part of me felt awkward about it. I heard it was beautiful though.

Well...thank you to Emily for letting me "vent", and for the skirt (oh so hip) I'll c-ya tomorrow guys.



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