Better, Worse & Stupid
written @ 11:14 a.m. on August 19, 2002

Listening To: Nebula -Incubus

Yesterday was alright, I guess. Nothing really happened...but I love that. I went to the library and got some books that I'll take to Florida, even though the only time I'll probably read is on the plane. But nonetheless, I got Ravenous by Eve Eliot which is a sequel to my favorite book Insatiable, and Interview With The Vampire, which I've been trying to get ahold of forever (yea I know that reserving it would be wise, but I'm just too lazy.) Then we went to the craft store so I could get Hemp and beads and stuff like that because I learned how to make pretty stuff at camp during free time so I'm really happy about that. Then we went to the grocery store and made a birthday cake for Grandma's birthday, which was quite tasty if I do say so myself. I love cake.

I talked to Sam last night, thank God she's alright. She said that the nurse at camp told her mother she's anorexic, which she is NOT, so her mother isn't on very good speaking terms with her right now. I feel so bad for her. She's doing good now, so I'm glad for that. I just wish that I could've said good-bye to her in person, I know that I'm not going to see her for a long time if at all ever again. I also talked to Ali, who my heart goes out to the most right now. Her grandfather suffered from brain tumors a while ago and had surgery, and at camp she expressed her concern for him. He died yesterday morning. Which makes me only think of my Grandfather ('s Norwegian for Grandpa) and how sick he is. He's going to be stuck in a wheel chair for the rest of his short life, and he hopes to be walking in November. I hate to say it, but Hah. That's in no way possible, not with the way his legs are healing right now. All he wants is to golf again. If he doesn't get better, I don't see that happening. He's slowly dying.

Enough of that! Today's going to be fun. Mom's getting another Mamogram this morning, she just left, all to make sure all of the EVIL BASTARD CANCER CELLS are gone. So I'm watching Caitlin, then Mom and I are going to get pedicures for the Cruise (because Mom's been complaining every day for the past month about how she needs one) then we're going to the Thrift Store on Main Street (Yeterday's Rose...score!) So you know how excited I am...I'm going thriftin'!

I acutally wrote this entry yesterday but it wouldn't let me update, so I just put it there again. Now I'm adding more things. Lol.

Ryan came home yesterday. Then Patrick took him out and bought him LOTS of NEW (expensive) clothes for the trip. Buttnut. He's trying to weasel his way out of the army, which is the dumbest thing in the world right now. What Ryan wants to do is live in Virginia, but go to school in Maryland, have a life in Maryland, have all of his friends in Maryland...and be in Virginia once a week. No. That's just not happening. So his parents gave him an ultimatum. If you live in Virginia, you go to NOVA (where the N stands for Nowledge) and get the tags changed on your car and become a full time Virginia resident OR you live with your Mother, go to a community college in Maryland and have your life up there. No. He doesn't want to do that. He wants to live in VA and have his entire life in MD, mainly he just doesn't want to live with his Mom. So now, he's definitely going to the Army, and it's now his parents fault, because they won't let him do what he wants. Hello?!?! What!? HE was the one who went and got the Army recruiter. HE was the one who wanted to do this so bad. HE was the one that screwed up his Mom and Stepdad's life so much at home that they kicked him out. Nothing's his fault though. Ryan's perfect. (Enter lots of sarcasm)

I'm learning not to care. Ryan's a screw up but everything is handed to him on a silver platter. I hope he enjoys it when the Army beats the poo out of him and he's calling home, crying, because "his parents are doing this to him".

I'm done. Toodles.

I added some more diaryrings and made the Goldfinger one (because I'm so hip...and a Gold member) so everybody go join the Goldfinger one. (I made it because I love the band and was upset that no one had made it before me, so now it's hip. DO IT NOW!) So go look at my rings page, I belong to a million of the things. It's funny. And the older entry pages are normal now, I guess it was just being weird that one day, so now everything is with this template. Hoorah!


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