day dreaming
written @ 5:08 p.m. on January 28, 2003

So I want a new template, because I just don't want this one anymore, but I can't find one that I like. Dammit, it's pissing me off.

I'm trying to find good songs to make a new mix. Nick helped me, because he knows a lot of good music, so kudos to him on giving me good ideas. I've got a buncha punk stuff and then it just gets really random, but that's me, so what can I say?

I don't want to go to school at all tomorrow. In Algebra we're having a quiz that I'm not ready for, Flex is always pointless, in Photography I actually have printing paper...but knowing me I'm going to forget it, then in's journalism. I want to drive to school tomorrow so bad so Meredith and I can leave before 8th. They wouldn't miss us that much in that class...would they? Bleh.

My head hurts...and while I hate being sick...being sick right now would totally rock my socks. We're having a rehearsal for the one act tomorrow. Our last. Rami and I are totally screwed. I'm going to cram my lines in for a good hour today and try to get all of my lines down.

Rehersal didn't go well today. It just pisses me off how we (the actors) get bitched at for being loud backstage when the ASM's are sitting on stage sleeping, or reading/flirting with their boyfriend, or just not paying attention (with the exception of DeiTos...she's okay.) Krissy and I started talking and we realized that we think the same way on this. It was just annoying being fussed with when no one gave a fuck. You know? It's really bad because that was our last performance before Conference, oh well. I don't care. I don't want to do this play anymore. I don't want to do anything, not the one act, not conference, not school...I just want to stay in bed all day long and feel sorry for myself.

Wouldn't the be great...


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