don't let the bed bugs bite
written @ 11:39 p.m. on September 06, 2003

So...yeah, when you're at your boyfriend's house and the fact that every window downstairs has no sort of covering or blinds, don't watch Identity. Yeah, it's got John Cusack in is, and he's a teriffic actor, and Amanda Peet's in it, and she's funny as Hell...and the chick from The Faculty is in there and has a good role...just don't watch it. It's scary as balls! I didn't watch the end, I begged Zack to turn it off so I could watch cartoons, we settled on 'Recess.' So that was pretty cool. (Oh, and Meredith...Identity is another John movie that you can add to the "Full of Rain" category. It's torrential(sp) downpour the entire movie...well, at least what I saw.)

So tomorrow shall be dandy. It's the Moonlight Madness sale at work, which means we're open 3 hours longer at work (instead of closing at 6 we close at 9.) It's going to be a fucking madhouse, I don't want to have to deal with it. The good thing is that I don't have to work during the sale. Since the sale only lasts from 6-9, and they're only making me work until 6. How did I luck out so well...I'm still not sure. I think that it's because they know I've got school the next day. (Speaking of which, I should probably get some homework, no.) So Mom said that she'd come down there around 6 so we could shop...can you just imagine how much scrapbooking crap I'm going to get? Caitlin's birthday I come.

The nightmares keep getting worse. I've got to figure out what it is that's causing them to be so bad lately. Zack keeps telling me that it's getting harder to wake me up. Normally, all he has to do is kiss me and I wake up, but tonight he told me it took two kisses...that's just weird.

Oh, it was so sweet...(and I'll leave you with this,) last night I kept falling asleep from exhaustion (crying that hard takes up a lot of energy!) and Zack said that at one point I kept doing weird things with my arm, so he held it up while I slept. Literally, he held my arm up to his body so I could sleep.

*sigh* I love this.


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