Dramatic. Yep...that's me.
written @ 11:16 p.m. on August 06, 2003

I'm not that dramatic, am I? Don't ask me where that came from, but somewhere in me I just screamed at myself that I'm way-too dramatic. Not all of the time, just...you know, sometimes. I'm blowing things way out of proportion with the whole money issue. I got all of my pictures back today, promtly spending $45 (hey, it's not bad. For six rolls of film, each having doubles...I'm awfully proud of myself). That money, of which, I took out of what I'm putting in the back for my car. Sending my $172 down to $132 (I had a five in my wallet.) I'm fucked. The first thing I need to do with my next paycheck is put that money back, because after the car conversation I had with my Mom, she'll bitch knowing I'm blowing my paycheck, then spending my "car money". Gah. I also have to buy a new thing of Birth Control pills, there goes another $35 (again, cheaper than a baby!) But still. I'll be broke. Completely. I hate being broke, too. I'm almost tempted to see if they'll let me work some tomorrow, possibly the shift with Myoko (11-4), just for some extra cash. Gah.

Ok, maybe I am dramatic. Sue me.

The pictures turned out great, though. You should see Zack, my boyfriend is so fucking hot. You all have no idea (and apparently he doesn't either.) I've started my "Zack Wall"...I know, huge nerd. It happens. There are actually a couple of me in there that are fairly decent, too, of which I'm pleased with.

My cable isn't working, so I started reading Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban for about 45 minutes today, covering at 113 pages, go me.

Ok, vent time. You know who I don't like? These fucking losers in Connecticut who are planning a "Harry Potter Book Burning" session. Why do these stupid church-freaks insist on burning books? Harry Potter at that? And, yes, I'm more upset at the fact that they're one-tracked little minds are simply burning a book because there is "witch-craft" in it, than the fact that it's simply against Harry Potter. And, another thing, I've read every book. Have I learned any bit of magic? NO! I've learned how to say 'Wingardium Leviosa' and 'Alohamora', but that doesn't mean they actually mean something (did I just say that?) Why must these people be so fucking ignorant?

Ok, I'm definitely dramatic.

I started yelling at the computer when I read it, so Zack quickly went back to the kitchen. Smart move on his behalf.

I should be getting some sleep, but the walk to my bedroom is such a long one. *sigh* I'm so lazy.


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