Excitment & Hollywood
written @ 9:31 a.m. on July 21, 2002

I know that I'm always saying that I love sitting around during the summer & doing nothing but updating my diary & blah blah blah. But right now I feel like if I don't get out and actually do something that requires human interaction with human beings outside of my home I'm going to go crazy. I don't care what I do either, if I walk around for five hours so be it, at least I'm doing something. Sitting around all day long would eventually get old, & right now...it's old. I'll probably go back to loving the solitude and boredom tomorrow...right now I need something, anything. Whatever works.

Yesterday was the first time my mom ever told me that she would love it if I could actually make it in Hollywood. Whoa. Kinda came out of no where too, I didn't really know what to say, but I liked to hear that. I think that she's finally realizing that I'm not screwing around when I talk about this. Grandma told me to move to San Diego, not Los Angeles, go Grandma. But Mom reminded me that "acting is a tough job" & that I need a "backup career", so I need an education. "Because Tom Hanks did acting in college"...blah blah blah. Yea I hope that NOVA gives me the education that you hope for me. When my Dad told my Uncle that I was going to be in The Jungle Book a while ago my Uncle seemed happy & all he said was "remember your roots", I thought that was funny but it's true. The main reason I want to act is beause I love it, but the money's a bonus. I'd be getting paid for something that I love to do, something that makes me happier than anything else...so why not take advantage of that? I'm tired of seeing my Dad and Marie broke, I'm tired of hearing about how they have to remodel my Grandparent's house for my Granfather's wheel chair, I'm tired of hearing about how Kevin (my uncle) can barely afford where he lives with his two kids, I'm tired of hearing my Mom say that she has to borrow more money from Patrick, I'm tired of hearing that Grandma is forking over the majority of her paycheck to Danny and Nancy (Who in my opinion don't deserve the money anymore.) I just want everyone to live a little easier. That's okay though, right?

"And It's a sad, sad world, when a girl would break a boy just because she can"

Sorry that just came on, but I've always liked that lyric. Go Fiona Apple. And with that I'm gonna go, if anyone wants to do something please lemme know...I need to get out today. Toodles.


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