Murray family Smackdown
written @ 10:32 a.m. on July 12, 2002

I don't get it...if you have never actually seen my dyed hair, how can you know if it looks good our not? And by saying "ew" about it, is the one thing that I don't get the most. You don't know what my hair looks like, so shut up. And don't go whining to Emily about it because she's the one that did it (because she's the coolest) and she also dyed her hair, so don't thing that you're accomplishing anything by whining to Emily about it. That'll just make her hate you...and hope you sit on a tack. (Haha oh Emily)

I take back what I said about being like the girl in the book. She's now sleeping with her boyfriend all the time and he's hitting her constantly, so scratch that last comment.

My brother caused another fight in the Murray household (I'm not including my last name in that part because I'm actually not involved in the argument, for once. Thank god) So Ryan's home yesterday, and we have to leave the house by 9:30 so the cleaning people can come, and we were both up at, so you know, this has never happened before, and will probably never happen again. So he was in the office on the computer, and I was in my room on the computer (we actually IM e/o all the time, this is how lazy we are.) And Mom went into his room and said something like "This is the second time he's here in two weeks and I haven't seen him", or something like that, I wasn't fully paying attention, and I said "He is here mom" and she was like "What?" and I said "Mom he's in the office, you just walked past him" and he laughed and she laughed and she was like "Oh hello stranger" in the dorky 'mom' way she does everything else. So then I found out this morning Ryan went to Patrick & said something about how Mom was making it seem like Ryan was sneaking out or something. What a pissant. She wasn't saying that at all. If he actually would spend some time with us, more than 5 minutes a week, then we might actually consider him apart of this family. Whatever. I'm not getting into it, it's Mom/Patrick/Ryan's deal. Let them fight, I'm happy.

Well I'd better get ready for Marie's birthday party. I've also gotta get my Warped tickets, toodles.


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