i'm not a procrastinator...what are you talking about?
written @ 6:27 a.m. on May 14, 2003

Heehee...I just saw one of my banners actually in use, so of course...I clicked on it. Coming to my diary. I wonder if it's unhealthy, being this dorky. You know?

I've been uber-clingy to Zack lately. I don't think he necessarially minds, but it's been worse than usual. I just can't get enough of my baby, what can I say? He's coming over after school today, which'll be nice, because afterwards he's got to show his parents his interum. It'll be okay. We'll figure all this shit out.

So I keep having dreams where I have sex with someone with no face, then they try to kill me, and my dream turns totally fucked up, but the whole time I'm still (subconciously) running from this person. Um...what's going on with my dream catcher here. It's true, they're not nightmares so I guess it's doing it's job, but still...these dreams have been funky as shit.

Watching Caitlin wasn't too bad last night, she got some weird ass Pippy Longstocking movie, so she watched that for a while. We also watched a half hour of the first Harry Potter, then she preceeded to jump on my bed, play roller coaster tycoon with me, or play her computer games. It was so cute, she started crying, hard, at one point because she missed Mom. She begged me for a picture, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I should finish getting ready for school. Gah. I hate Algebra these days, Mrs. Roberts is becoming uber-bitch and teaching all of this hard stuff I don't understand. Stupid learning!

NO! I have to read Black Boy by Richard Wright again. I read it last year in English Honors, and now that I'm in regular english, I "get" to read it. I didn't like it last year, I'm not going to like it this year. Ondroff won't let me read something else, either. Dick.

Ok, no...really, I'm going to go get ready.


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