i really really need a new hobby
written @ 9:11 p.m. on December 24, 2002

Work wasn't that bad, and I didn't have to go on register once, which was fantabulous, so all in all work today was good. I was hyper, thanks to Kay, and we ended up dancing to the Chipmunks for a solid half hour while Sam, James and Jason laughed and kept tormenting us. The funniest thing was when this woman came into the store fifteen minutes before we closed and it looked like she was doing every bit of her shopping right then and there. Candice, Angie and I lost it when she dissappeared around the corner, she was hilarious. My bosses were total Scrooges today, they kept telling us to get to work when we started to have fun, so we tormented them all day about it.

But it sucks, because my legs hurt, and my knee has been acting up lately. I hate that.

It also sucks that after working for 12 hours, and the only thing that I wanted to do was talk to my boyfriend, and he's busy playing XBox with Tyler, or watching a movie with Chance, and we only end up talking for like a half hour. That hurts. And that's all I feel like saying about it...so don't say anything to me. No apologies, no excuses. Just acknowledge that it's Christmas Eve and I have hardly talked to you today. The End.

So I finished wrapping tonight *grins* I'm a true procrastinator. I got Marie The Hobbit (by Tolkien, duh.) It's in the pretty version too, I like the picture on the cover. I also got her The Others, she'll love it. I got my Dad the best of Van Halen CD, because my Dad's a Van Halen freak. Blame him for my love of "Hot For Teacher" and Joe Versus the Volcano because he's in love with Meg Ryan. (Marie even told him that if he had the oppertunity he could run away with her...Dad thinks it's the greatest thing. Marie loves how naive he is.) My brother I got dumb Bionicles and Yu-Gi-Oh cards...meh, he's got those...I've got LOTR and HP. =D Then I finished wrapping Mom's Tim McGraw book and the Dixie Chicks CD, and Caitlin's Hermione doll and little Rapunzel thing.

Happy Christmas Eve. I probably should've started out with that. And yes, I meant to say Happy.

With my freaky-ass obsession for Orlando Bloom, why am I practically the last person to see the extended version of LOTR!?!?

However, we have LOTR candy bars at work and I bought me a Legolas one and Emily a Gandalf one...I still need to give it to her.

Dammit! I forgot to take Brandie her Christmas present, sonofabitch. I'm so unorganized...meh.

I'd like to say that I have to go for some wonderful reason but I don't. I have a Mix CD that's about to be blared, a copy of LOTR: The Return of the King that needs to be finished, and no boyfriend on the phone to ogle over *sigh*. Just not a fun way to spend Christmas Eve...sulking.

I'm so damn in love.

I'm spending Christmast Eve sulking! I need a life.


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