i thought it wasn't going to make sense...
written @ 12:00 a.m. on January 30, 2003

I'm tired, but I'm wide awake. I feel like writing, and making a big long entry with deep feelings and emotions and thoughts...but I have nothing important to say. Is that my problem? I only think I have nothing important to say, yet I always do? I don't know. I'm rambling.

I mean...it's like a tuning fork is silent, until you touch it. And when you tap it, it gives off this perfect "A". Tap a single tuning fork and you can strike up an entire orchestra. And if you tap that single tuning fork anywhere in the world you still get that perfect "A". It's just this little piece of metal with all of this beautiful sound trapped inside.

I'm not insightful...I didn't even write that. That's from my One Act...that's Shannon, proving she knows her lines. She doesn't, she doesn't know all of the last couple of pages. Tomorrow is our last rehearsal...Rami and I didn't kiss today, but we will tomorrow. I am overflowing with joy. I can hardly contain my excitment, can you tell?

Zack's doctor's appointment is tomorrow. I'm scared beyond belief. I don't know what to do. I think that if I sit and home and hold the phone in my hand for a few hours I'm eventually going to start crying and come to my faithful diary and ramble on about what happens if everything's not all right. But I can't do that to myself. Instead I'm going to the mall with Meredith and Duffet to get nails done and cause a ruckus at Fair Oaks. All I'm going to be able to think about is Zack, which is sad...because I haven't seen Duffet in a while. I had a great night with him though. Got my cookies...it was flantastico (another One Act line) then drove him home. Took the long way. It was worth every single second of being with him longer.

Jenn...have a fabulous time in Canadia. I hope that you get drunk and have a blast on the slopes and have a good time. You need it. I'll miss you...be safe! Don't drink and drive! =D

So all right...maybe I did have something to say. Not so bad, eh? Well...I do have one more thing. =D

Happy Birthday to Elijah Wood

Good night.


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