I told my mom I need to go on Birth Control
written @ 7:08 p.m. on February 20, 2003

Haha, the first time I wrote the title to my entry I wrote "I told my Mom I need to go to Bitch Control", I thought that was interesting.

But yes, I did tell my Mom that I need to go on Birth Control. That's weird even for me to type. She was quiet for a second, then said, "You're going to have sex?"
"Yep..." I said, because it's not entirely a lie. I am going to have sex. Then, of course, I added, "I already have."
Then she was even more quiet, and I got all freaked out. "You have already had it?" Everything we said was long and drawn out, like we were watching our words carefully. I was, I'm not sure about her.
"Yes," I said. "I have."
We talked about it a little bit more, she asked if we used a condom, we did...the greatest thing was that she didn't ask when we had sex, which I thought she was going to ask me. She told me that she'd book me a gyno appointment (I'm getting a chick doctor, thank you very much.)
Don't think that because I'm letting you go on Birth Control means I'm supporting you," she said, for the billionth time. "I still think that you're too young. And don't think that I'm going to let you have sex in the house...not on my time. You still have to sneak around like a normal teenager. And the bedroom door still has to stay open."

I thought that was hilarious. That has got to be the funniest thing my Mom has ever said to me. So we got to Tysons and I got a pair of pants. I just got back from Fair Oaks, I got a pair of Pink Chucks...finally! And some new Fuck bracelets. Zack, on a little I-fucked-my-girlfriend power trip, broke one of them. The bastard. I made up for it though. =D

Zack...I saw Elise at the mall. She ran up and gave me a huge hug, it was adorable. The first thing she told me was that she thought you were lying because I always talked about waiting until marriage. Mom had the sense to know that the first time I fell in love that would go out the window.

Well...dammit...I am in love.

And he's at a hockey game.


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