now i'm ready to be free
written @ 9:23 a.m. on February 20, 2003

Yet another day that confuses me and leads me to believe that sometimes, I do actually have a life. It sneaks up on me when I least expect it, too.

The cleaning people come every other Wednesday (which means I have to clean my room...curse you! And no...they don't pick up things or make my bed for me. They vacuum and dust and blah, blah, blah.) so we -Mom, Caitlin and I- always go out to eat, and, since we're with Caitlin, that's usually McDonald's. But not yesterday! Yesterday it was IHOP! And if you people know me, you know I love IHOP. I was quite excited, and I saw Zack's E-Mail so I called him and told him to come. And he did, yeay! Then I got my hair done (no more reddish to it!) then went home and got some ass with Zack. YAY!!

Then, I did the usual, sat around playing The Sims and vegging out watching tv...then I got online for a while (Hey! Something new!...) and saw Emily, and know she's upset because someone stole all of her CDs, so we went to University Mall and saw Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and damn, did we have a good time. We didn't shut up the entire movie (then again, we never usually do when we see a movie at University Mall, because when it finally gets there we've already seen it probably 3 times.) Then we went to Denny's and got some eats.

That was my day. And for me, that was damn exciting. =D

Today I get to babysit. *sigh* Yaaaaaaaay.


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