written @ 6:15 p.m. on October 23, 2002

Marie sent me pics of Gian Carlo and JP (My brothers in Brazil) racing. They do MotoCross. My computer, however, is deciding it doesn't want to let me on so I have to come on Patrick's computer. Where the pics aren't located, so I'll load them later. There's one where JP doesn't have on his helmet, but the pic is so fuzzy on the pooter that I can't tell which one he is (Probably the one squinting like crazy, he's always doing that in pictures. Ever since we were little.)

I talked to Emily today. That went well, I still need to write her back.

I felt dead in first period (Physics.) Normally Mr. Peterson is really funny and tells us stories from when he was in college, or links something back to the Simpsons, but this morning held none of that. I couldn't laugh, I was like blah. I had a Constitution test...no let me rephrase that. I failed a Constitution test! Yeay! English is one of my favorite classes, just because of some of the things Sutt says, he's hilarious. Ondroff and I also figured out we're both sarcastic as Hell *gasp* I know. I didn't know I was sarcasic either.......

anyways. Then Theatre. Dumb kids...dumb Freshmen in theatre really piss me off. They get worse everyday, I'm tired of getting lectured because they're immature and irresponsible. Oh well. It's theatre.

My back's been hurting me all day, and now I have a crink (...sp...?) in my neck. Another reason why my body's against me. But last night, at 10:30, I cut my nails short and painted them bright pink. That made me happy. But I got tired of the comments on my "baby shit green" colored shirt. Butt-heads. Leave me alone. =D

Well, as you all know I started reading Harry Potter again. And I still haven't gotten to Hogwarts yet...I'm getting there.

I'm getting there.

I just found out through one of the LOTR sites I see (OK I'm a dork so I'm giving you the site...click here) And they said that the theme song from Requiem For A Dream will be in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. *does the happy dance* Oooooooooooh yeah. I"m happy.


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