learning time!
written @ 6:16 a.m. on May 16, 2003

Tyler sucks, and I continue to wonder why Zack's parents don't have call waiting. I sat here for an hour and a half trying to call Zack, while Tyler sat on the phone with a girl who already has a boyfriend. That ass. I will apporpriotly call him an asshole when I see him in the hallway today, because everytime he asks (or tells) Zack to get off the phone he does it. Well, not anymore. Dick.

I'm not bitter that I only talked to my boyfriend for 45 minutes last night...not at all...

Caitlin loves my new Marilyn Monroe poster. She asked me all sorts of questions about it, I thought it was hilarious. She asked her name, asked why her dress was poofing up, said she was pretty...it was so cute. That was when she finally decided to be nice to me, it took a while to get to that point.

I need a "skin" colored marker so I can finish my fuzzy Disney Princess poster, the only thing I have left to do is color their skin. We have no crayons (pronounced cray-ons) that's skin color either. WTF? We have a four year old and a sixteen year old who acts like a four year old when it comes to this kind of thing in the house. How can we not have that color? Caitlin's just coloring the ones on her poster yellow, I thought that was pretty funny.

SCORE! I get paid today. *sigh* It won't be as much as I'm used to, because I didn't work any during the week, but at least it's money. I hope Mom doesn't decide to tell me that I have to put half of it in the bank, because I still have to get something for Zack...and no Zack, I'm not going to give you hints or tell you what it is. Muah hah hah.

Mom and Patrick are afraid to leave Zack and I alone at the house at the beach. Zack said something that is so true though, but I would never say it to my parents; Would you rather have us do it when you're home or you're not at the house? See? Exactly. We're not going an entire week, especially at the beach. I'm sorry, it's just not happening. So don't think for one minute that you're going to find a way to have us not have sex. It just ain't gonna happen.

I should be getting ready for school...but I'm too lazy to get up and look for clothes. Grr. I got confused, I woke up at 5 and looked at the clock and couldn't remember what day it was. I thought it was Saturday, but I couldn't remember hanging out with Zack last night (Friday, yay he's coming over tonight!) so I was like, duh...it's only Friday. Yeah, I'm weird like that.

All right...off to learn...


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