I love where I live
written @ 8:59 p.m. on August 04, 2002

Listening to: Seems like Yesterday -Goldfinger

I don't know what it is about Strasburg, but everytime I come home from there home seems twenty times better. I don't know if it's the hicks, the fact that Danielle is pregnant, the surplus of mullets, or the stinky trash smell every where you go but whatever it is, I'm happy it's there. Fairfax is awesome. I hate sleeping up there in that room alone. Ask Emily, it's creepy (that's why she always has to sleep in the big bed, mainly because I'm too chicken to sleep across from the closet) it's just spooky. Especially after seeing Signs (corn-fields...ahh!) So I decided that Dragonfly was a really dumb and boring movie so I went to bed. But me, with the wild imagination I possess, was scaring the shit out of myself so I turned on the lights and ended up falling asleep reading LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring (which I'm almost done with by the way.) I woke up around four and the light was off and the book was on the floor, so I figured Mom turned it off and was too tired to get up and turn the light on.

Last night we went out to eat at Fox's Pizza (the greatest place in the world) in "Downtown" Strasburg and Uncle Danny, Aunt Nancy and Danielle met us there. If it's possible Danielle was even bigger than before. But she was whiny and bitchy the entire time, I could've smacked her upside her fat-stupid-ass head. (Yea I love Danielle) I watched Slackers, and Devon Sawa is still hot. So screw everyone who thought I was crazy when I liked him when I was 9.

Warped tour is Thursday...eep! I'm so damned excited. Marie said that Bean and Carlos (who also speaks Portuguese so the Brazilians love that) are going too, possibly Pat, depending on the work schedule. Either way it's awesome.

Beerman gave me 2 free frappacinnos today when I went to the mall, oh how I love Beerman. Hah. I got my hair dyed too, what was red is now dark brown. I like it, so fuck you if you don't. And for those of you who thought the idea of my hair being red was stupid...you're retarted. Those of you who said it was stupid or "ew"...you never even saw the hair. So you look like a bigger jackass for judging it when you had never seen it. Ok I'm done.

I'm going back to Goldfinger. Toodles.


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