making the men in my life happy
written @ 10:54 a.m. on August 11, 2004

It's hard to explain to new people what Zack and I have, but with all of the new people at work lately; it's been happening a whole lot. I'm not complaining, not in the least, I love telling people about how wonderful he is and about all of his little quirks that I am deeply in love with. What I don't like, are the questioning glances I get when I explain how young we are, and what a serious relationship we've ventured into. I in fact know how young we are, and how young our relationship is in comparison to others. I know that part of me wanting to spend the rest of my life with Zack is unrealistic and a little too hopeful and naive, but I, right now, am happier than I ever thought to be possible. And I'm not saint, I don't claim to be, I've made major mistakes and messed things up between us to the point when I thought I'd broken his heart for good...the point is...everytime something major happens in this relationship, we're there for eachother. I support him no matter what. I want him to be happy and know that no matter what I'm here for him, through the thick and the thin...I'll love him no matter what.

I wrote my Dad. I got some of my frustration and aggression out, and I feel hardly any different. I want to go off, tell him what a shitty father he's been and tell him that part of me will always hate him...but he's a very defensive person, just like me, so it would get us absolutely nowhere. I guess I should take things slowly, which I'm trying to do, but there's so much pain I don't know how long I'll be able to bottle it all up.

I've got nothing to do today, and I'm ecstatic about it. Zack wants me to cook him dinner...I just don't know what to cook! Maybe I should go plan...


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