A New Start
written @ 2:42 p.m. on July 19, 2002

You know you love the new layout. I thought it was cute, girly, pretty...something I don't really relate to all of the time but I thought why not. And it's pink, so that's always a good thing.

Help me: My mom is going through one of her "Let's go out and have a mother/daughter day and we can pretend like we're best friends while we shop at Express and get coffee at Starbucks in Reston and I'll act like I'm your best friend and ask you about ex-boyfriends and current crushes and all the while not realizing I'm putting a bigger strain on our relationship" phases, sounds fun doesn't it? She's always bothering me to get out of the house and do somethign with her. It's summer, I'm more than happy sitting on my butt at the computer talking to people and screwing around. She should be used to it by now, we're half way through July c'mon! Emily found a pack of Merit cigarettes in the Blue Chair downstairs, and who's the only person in the house who smokes Merit ciggs?...Mom. Am I shocked? No, frankly if I were her and I was going through some of the shit she's going through I'd do the same exact thing, but if she wants us to get closer (which she says she wants to do, bleh) then why can't she just come out and tell me she's smoking again? I used to get mad because she would swear to me that she had stopped, but now I could care less. Just don't lie to me, damn.

How come every time I listen to Incubus I want to write something but can never come up with something good? I don't know either. I'm going to go take a shower because frankly, I need one.


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