now isn't this just me?
written @ 2:23 p.m. on August 11, 2003

So I was bored, and I started to go through Beautify, and I came to find Vivalicious Design and I found this template, how perfect for me is it?

Especially after that little Harry Potter rant I had last night, huh?

I'm having a couple problems with the font (as in it's really small, it's even hard for me to read) and I can't seem to fix it, but hopefully the designer will E-Mail me back so I can figure out what the Hell to do with it all.

So I cleaned up a bit, organized a bit. I put Scarlet on my bookshelf, so I had to re-arrange all of the crap that's up there, because it just wasn't cooperating with the way things were. I framed a picture of Zack and I at the beach, kissing, it's adorable, and a picture of Caitlin with her hat on side-ways...she looks extra pimped out. Then there are three little ones, one of Caitlin, one of Zack, and one of the two of them the day we came home. I'm proud of myself, I'm doing pretty well with the hundreds of beach pictures I took.

I talked to Tom online this morning, he said that when he went into work today to get his paycheck he ended up talking to Marianne and Karen. They ended up discussing Kathryn. The two basically wanted to know more about what had happened, I could only express so much with the note I had written Marianne, so Tom told them about some things. When he got online he said he'd forgotten to tell them a couple of things, and it might be smart for me to call Marianne. I did, and we talked it over, and what it boils down to is when Marianne said, "She's got to go." As much of a friend as she could be to me, she's got seroius issues (mainly family problems) and they're getting her so freaked out she's snapping on everyone at work. I doubt I'll see her next Saturday. But you watch, they'll ask me to start taking her shift on Fridays, and I'll be such a ninny I'll take a few of them. Hey, whatever gets me money.

We're supposed to be going to Chuck E. Cheese's, Mom, Caitlin and I, but we were supposed to have left between 12:30 and 1, and now that's it's 2:30, I just don't see any of that happening. Mom got out of the shower a few minutes ago, so if we do decide to go, it'll probably be at least 30 minutes before she gets done drying her hair and putting makeup and everything else on. Silly Mommy...

I'm going to go read more of HP & the Prizoner of Azkaban, I'm at a good part (when Sirius comes to the school and slashed the Fat Lady's portrait, then during the Quidditch match about a hundred Dementors come onto the field and Harry falls 50 feet off of his broom) so I'm going to be a GEEK and get back to that.

Oh, and I got a guestmap. So go sign it, unless you're from Fairfax. I know where you live, and I can't have a million little people in one spot. =D


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