Welcome home, Scarlet.
written @ 12:27 a.m. on August 11, 2003

I gotta fishy! I gotta fishy! I finally got my very own baby girl fishie(it's technically a him, but guy fishies look pretty, so I'm making him a her.) I was trying to figure out names with Zack and he said Scarlet, I liked that, so I now have my Betta fishie, Scarlet. Zack came over after I picked him up from work and told me how much to feed her and that he'd clean the bowl when I needed him too. Also, not to worry when there are these little bubbles at the top of his bowl, because that just means he's horny (poor guy.) But I refuse to give him a girlfriend just so he can rape her and kill her, I'm not that cool of a Mom. I decorated her "living shelf" (on my bookshelf) with two pics of Zack and me. I'm a nerd, woot.

Kathryn flipped at work today, she's going to get fired, and it's going to be because of me. She started arguments with Tom and Adrianne right in front of customers today. I felt horrible when she began fighting with Tom, because a woman was coming up to my register. I apologized, she said it was okay, but there was this huge awkwardness after I started ringing everything up. Tom and I were telling her to quit it, and after a minute she finally stopped at went back to work on the floor. Gah, she's so stubborn. Later she flipped out on Adrianne because she was on the phone for five minutes (catastrophe, I know.) I knew that she was on the phone, but she turned her light back on when I asked her to, it wasn't as though any customers were waiting (there weren't) and when I did ask her to get off the phone, she was off in about 7 seconds. Kathryn ends up yelling at her, calling her spoiled and a princess, that she needs to get off the damn phone and work once and a while. Adrianne brushed it off, trying to calm Kathryn down, but nothing worked. I wrote a note to Marianne explaining what happens, and if Kathryn gets fired it's her own fault. She is my friend, and I know that I'm one of the two people she gets along with and will actually listen to, but she was a childish brat today and was extremely out of line. I even told Marianne that she had no business dealing with customers. I say we move her to the stock room with Nestor, that's worse than getting fired. She tried to brush everything off, too, like she didn't care, but I know she does. I know her better than she realizes. Gah, I'll probably get to talk to Marianne about it on Wednesday (when I cover for Alyssa), so we'll see how that goes.

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is way better than Star Wars: The Attack of the Clones, I just have to get that off my chest.

People are so dumb sometimes, it hurts. There's an article where a woman talks about how surprising it is to her that she now considers Harry Potter a Pop Culture Icon. Well, duh. I don't think anyone realized exactly how many people are into HP. I know that I'm a huge nerd and talk about the books, but I'm also a book worm. I've read Love Story more than any other book I own, and The Hottest State is right up there behind it. I just make a big deal out of HP because it's out there, it's possible. I don't see people dressing up like everyone in White Oleander. It's a big deal, because it's possible. It's like Lord of the Rings in a sense where, like Tolkien, J.K. Rowling creates this whole world, that's extremely believable, and no matter how far fetched it may seem, millions of people get drawn into it and find something they can relate to or simply hope to relate to. I know that being 16 years old and getting ready to enter my Senior year of high school, being as obsessive over HP as I can be isn't getting me on the one way track to being cool, but who cares? What it boils down to is that I love reading the books. Again and again and again and again. Yeah, they're not the most difficult reads in the world, but why would I want to sit myself in front of a book where I feel like I have to look up every fifth word just so I can bring it up in a conversation to look smart? That's not me. A lot of people are able to relate to HP, with family members you can't stand (Nancy, Danny and that whole side of the family), teachers that you detest (Kane, Boschert) and friends that are there through you no matter how dangerous or stupid it may be (you know who you are.) HP is a lot deeper than a lot of people give it credit for. (It could be worse...I could be a Trekkie.) So, stupid woman who is surprised...take that. (And I'll soon be entering my 3rd year of Journalism...as the entertainment editor. Ahh, fate.)

Tomorrow I plan on sleeping in, cleaning up my room, getting rid of some of my crap, and doing laundry. I don't necessarially feel like sitting on my butt all day, just because working for the past three days makes me feel like I need to do at least something productive.

I'm not tired, but I'm going to check on Scarlet and make myself go to bed.



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