the others
written @ 6:54 p.m. on 2002-05-19

Nothing big happened today, went to Quizno's to see Emily and Selecman, that was cool. I prevented Emily from smoking a cigarette, if I'm stopping she's stopping. I don't want her hurt, I'm now realizing how Zack means. I gave my ciggarettes to my brother too, I'm sure he was thrilled. (Not only because he just got cigarettes but also because he doesn't want me smoking. Aww, what a loving brother.

I found a new Legolas fanfic that I like, yes I am an avid fanfiction reader, I must admit it. I'm such a dork. =)

I wrote in my real diary, the one no one else is allowed to read, today...the first time in what seems like forever. It felt good though, I don't hafta worry about other people reading it. I just wrote to write also, I'm feeling weird right now. Something's bothering me but I can't explain it (yeah you can tell I've been reading a LOTR fanfic. hehe) I've got his feeling like something's wrong, I'm missing or forgetting something, but I don't know what it is. I'm just a big paranoid freak, you all know that though. I'm watching The Others with my Mom, went to Blockbuster to get it. This movie is soooo cool, Mom likes it so far. I haven't written in "Epiphany" in a long time, just haven't been too's also at school, so that takes it away also. =) We have stupid SOL's this week, my first one isn't until thursday: Geometry. But I have no idea what we're doing in Spanish tomorrow, hopefully nothing. I hate that class, the people in it aren't that bad, I've got Meredith, but some of 'em...ugh.

I've been listening to the Michelle Branch cd waaay too much today, thank goodness no one else was in the house when I was playing it. Or...blaring it and singing horribly off tune. (Thaaat's me!) further prove what a dork I am...Black Hawk Down comes out on video in 24 days...or I think 24. Ahh! Oh the hotness of Orli and Josh, hehe. Well nothing important else happened today, but something's bound to happen tomorrow. Toodles.


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