written @ 11:21 p.m. on April 11, 2002

I'm soooooo tired right now but I can't sleep cuz I got a whole lotta stuff on my mind, just a lots happened today. School was eventful...we had a party in spanish but no one ate my food...bastards. It's all good at rehearsals people ate it so I felt loved, always good. Rehearsals wasn't bad, we worked out some of my problemo's so that's good.

I'm writing this book, i guess that's what you can call it, and everyone who's read some of it says that I should get it published, but i dunno if that's what I wanna do or not. I want get my opinions and stuff out there and all, but it's intimidating to kno that people I've never met before could learn about my vulnerabilities and stuff like that, u kno?

So yeah my friend's really upset and I wanna help him out and all but I dunno really what to say. I feel bad though because I can't tell him that everything'll be fine and that things will be perfect and all for him because I dunno what's gonna happen. I feel like shit because I can't help him out and I really really really truly want to because I hate seeing my friends so upset, but I dunno what to do. Ugh!!!! What do I say to him to help him out? I'm so confused!!

I had my acting class today, it wasn't at all what I thought it would be but I guess that it's going to be pretty cool. Again...whatever helps me get out of Virginia.

Love sucks. That's my new realization. And I think that I'm never going to fall in love, it's like nothing is going good lately it's pissing me off and I'm getting so frustrated. I tried to talk to Emily today but she just blew me off, which sucked because I had a lot to tell her. We're drifting apart too, which is starting to scare the crap outta me. Every day we're spreading further apart. She's my best friend...I can't lose her but I know that it's going to happen eventually. I just don't like hanging around with her crowd anymore. It was allright for a while and I could put up with their BS but God...that got old fast. And it's not like I could tell her...I don't like your friends as much as you think I do, I don't wanna hang w/ 'em anymore...I couldn't do that. She'd flip. I'm just confused about every fucking thing that's going lately. I'm gonna stop bitching now.


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