pennis taste funny
written @ 5:34 p.m. on April 25, 2003

Happy birthday to Ashley.

She's 18, but the coolest part about it, is that we all went to Chuck E. Cheese's for her birthday, and I had a fucking blast. I got 314 tickets, which...for me, is pretty damn impressive. It's those games where you drop the token in, and it pushed them all around, and you want them to fall to the bottom so you get tickets that are the most addictive. I spent $15 on tokens (hah) and $5 on pizza because Andi needed some. Of course I'll buy Chuck E. Cheese pizza! It's the greatest! Then Justin almost hit a racoon, fucking thing, that was scary.

I hate my Mom.

Warning: sex talk coming up. Haha.

So tonight, what am I supposed to have? The car. Why am I supposed to have it? Because this is the first night when Zack and I don't have to use a condom. This is a big fucking deal. But no. She's at some stupid party for her work friends and can't leave until the end because the person that the party is being held for, Pat, is getting a ride from Mom. Moocher. Now, my whole night is fucked up. And I really, really need some sex tonight, too. I don't care if I have to fucking sneak out and go to his house at two o'clock in the morning (that would be very coughjimmycough of me, now wouldn't it?) if I have to. "But you can watch a movie at home, that'll be fun won't it?" Yes, Mom, that'll be fun.

But, hmm, let's see.

Sex with Zack...

or a movie.

GOD DAMMIT! I'm wearing a skirt, I'm getting sex tonight if I have to kill someone to do it. Dammit.

*sigh* I need to take a shower.

I almost forgot the Friday Five.

1. What was the last TV show you watched?
2. What was the last thing you complained about?
My Mom not letting me have the car tonight.
3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say?
I told Meredith she looked cute today. And she did, her pants looks quite hip.
4. What was the last thing you threw away?
5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited?
aol. I needed to check my E-Mail.


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